1Academic Journal
Authors: Green RP, Blum K, Lewandrowski KU, Gold MS, Lewandrowski AP, Thanos PK, Dennen CA, Baron D, Elman I, Sharafshah A, Modestino EJ, Badgaiyan RD
Source: Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, Vol Volume 16, Pp 23-26 (2025)
Subject Terms: reward deficiency syndrome, genetic addiction risk score (gars), substance use disorders (suds), dopamine, samhsa, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
2Academic Journal
Source: Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Vol Volume 17, Pp 3485-3501 (2024)
Subject Terms: scn, circadian rhythm dysfunction, melatonin, cortisol, drug addiction, Psychology, BF1-990, Industrial psychology, HF5548.7-5548.85
File Description: electronic resource
3Academic Journal
Source: Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Vol Volume 17, Pp 2363-2376 (2024)
Subject Terms: exercise, alcohol use disorder, aud, nmda receptors, brain, reward, Psychology, BF1-990, Industrial psychology, HF5548.7-5548.85
File Description: electronic resource
4Academic Journal
Source: Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Vol Volume 17, Pp 577-592 (2024)
Subject Terms: addiction, substance abuse, methylphenidate, gene expression, monoamine neurotransmitters postsynaptic density proteins, reward deficiency syndrome, Psychology, BF1-990, Industrial psychology, HF5548.7-5548.85
File Description: electronic resource
5Academic Journal
Authors: Bowirrat A, Elman I, Dennen CA, Gondré-Lewis MC, Cadet JL, Khalsa J, Baron D, Soni D, Gold MS, McLaughlin TJ, Bagchi D, Braverman ER, Ceccanti M, Thanos PK, Modestino EJ, Sunder K, Jafari N, Zeine F, Badgaiyan RD, Barh D, Makale M, Murphy KT, Blum K
Source: Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Vol Volume 16, Pp 4839-4857 (2023)
Subject Terms: addiction, affective, alcohol, anti-reward, anxiety, depression, dopamine, cancer, genes, cardiovascular, cognitive, medical, motivation, social isolation, and reward deficiency, Psychology, BF1-990, Industrial psychology, HF5548.7-5548.85
File Description: electronic resource
6Academic Journal
Source: Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Vol Volume 16, Pp 4287-4291 (2023)
Subject Terms: gwas, candidate genes, drd2 gene, polymorphisms, hypodopaminergia, reward deficiency, and addictive and non-addictive behaviors., Psychology, BF1-990, Industrial psychology, HF5548.7-5548.85
File Description: electronic resource
7Academic Journal
Authors: Blum K, Elman I, Bowirrat A, Baron D, Thanos PK, Hanna C, Badgaiyan RD, Gold MS
Source: Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Vol Volume 16, Pp 4989-4991 (2023)
Subject Terms: reward deficiency syndrome, genetic addiction risk severity, drd2 gene, opioid use disorder, Psychology, BF1-990, Industrial psychology, HF5548.7-5548.85
File Description: electronic resource
8Academic Journal
Authors: Araya, S., Pfister, T., Blum, K., Clemann, N., Faltermann, S., Wiesner, L., Hawkins, W., van de Gevel, I., Versyck, K.
Source: In Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology August 2023 142
Authors: Citron, Z., Dainese, A., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F., Jowett, J. M., Lee, Y. -J., Wiedemann, U. A., Winn, M., Andronic, A., Bellini, F., Bruna, E., Chapon, E., Dembinski, H., d'Enterria, D., Grabowska-Bold, I., Innocenti, G. M., Loizides, C., Mohapatra, S., Salgado, C. A., Verweij, M., Weber, M., Aichelin, J., Angerami, A., Apolinario, L., Arleo, F., Armesto, N., Arnaldi, R., Arslandok, M., Azzi, P., Bailhache, R., Bass, S. A., Bedda, C., Behera, N. K., Bellwied, R., Beraudo, A., Bi, R., Bierlich, C., Blum, K., Borissov, A., Braun-Munzinger, P., Bruce, R., Bruno, G. E., Bufalino, S., Castellanos, J. Castillo, Chatterjee, R., Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Cheshkov, C., Chujo, T., del Valle, Z. Conesa, Nuno, J. G. Contreras, Mendez, L. Cunqueiro, Dahms, T., Dang, N. P., De la Torre, H., Dobrin, A. F., Doenigus, B., Van Doremalen, L., Du, X., Dubla, A., Dumancic, M., Dyndal, M., Fabbietti, L., Ferreiro, E. G., Fionda, F., Fleuret, F., Floerchinger, S., Giacalone, G., Giammanco, A., Gossiaux, P. B., Graziani, G., Greco, V., Grelli, A., Grosa, F., Guilbaud, M., Gunji, T., Guzey, V., Hadjidakis, C., Hassani, S., He, M., Helenius, I., Huo, P., Jacobs, P. M., Janus, P., Jebramcik, M. A., Jia, J., Kalweit, A. P., Kim, H., Klasen, M., Klein, S. R., Klusek-Gawenda, M., Konyushikhin, M., Kremer, J., Krintiras, G. K., Krizek, F., Kryshen, E., Kurkela, A., Kusina, A., Lansberg, J. -P., Lea, R., van Leeuwen, M., Li, W., Margutti, J., Marin, A., Marquet, C., Blanco, J. Martin, Massacrier, L., Mastroserio, A., Maurice, E., Mayer, C., Mcginn, C., Milhano, G., Milov, A., Minissale, V., Mironov, C., Mischke, A., Mohammadi, N., Mulders, M., Murray, M., Narain, M., Di Nezza, P., Nisati, A., Noronha-Hostler, J., Ohlson, A., Okorokov, V., Olness, F., Paakkinen, P., Pappalardo, L., Park, J., Paukkunen, H., Peng, C. C., Da Costa, H. Pereira, Perepelitsa, D. V., Peresunko, D., Peters, M., Pettersson, N. E., Piano, S., Pierog, T., Pires, J., Plumari, M. PS., Prino, F., Puccio, M., Rapp, R., Redlich, K., Reygers, K., Ristea, C. L., Robbe, P., Rossi, A., Rustamov, A., Rybar, M., Schaumann, M., Schenke, B., Schienbein, I., Schoeffel, L., Selyuzhenkov, I., Sickles, A. M., Sievert, M., Silva, P., Song, T., Spousta, M., Stachel, J., Steinberg, P., Stocco, D., Strickland, M., Strikman, M., Sun, J., Takaki, D. Tapia, Tatar, K., Terrevoli, C., Timmins, A., Trogolo, S., Trzeciak, B., Trzupek, A., Ulrich, R., Uras, A., Venugopalan, R., Vitev, I., Vujanovic, G., Wang, J., Wang, T. W., Xiao, R., Xu, Y., Zampolli, C., Zanoli, H., Zhou, M., Zhou, Y.
Subject Terms: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Experiment, Nuclear Experiment, Nuclear Theory
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1812.06772
Authors: Desai, S. H., Spinner, M., Evens, A. M., Bachanova, V., Goyal, G., Kahl, B., Dorritie, K., Azzi, J., Kenkre, V. P., Arai, S., Chang, C., Fusco, B., Sumransub, N., Hatic, H., Saba, R., Ibrahim, U., Harris, E. I., Ansell, S. M., Shah, H., Wagner‐Johnston, N., Jagadeesh, D., Blum, K. A., Diefenbach, C., Iyenger, S., Rapazzo, K. C., Baidoun, F., Choi, Y., Nowakowski, G. S., Advani, R. H., Micallef, I. N.
Source: Hematological oncology. 41:366-368
Authors: Herrera, A. F., LeBlanc, M., Castellino, S. M., Li, H., Rutherford, S. C., Evens, A. M., Davison, K., Punnett, A., Hodgson, D., Parsons, S. K., Ahmed, S., Casulo, C., Bartlett, N. L., Tuscano, J. M., Mei, M. G., Hess, B. T., Jacobs, R., Saeed, H., Torka, P., Hu, B., Moskowitz, C., Kaur, S., Goyal, G., Forlenza, C., Doan, A., Lamble, A., Kumar, P., Chowdhury, S., Brinker, B., Sharma, N., Singh, A., Blum, K., Perry, A. M., Kovach, A., Constine, L. S., Shields, L. Kostakoglu, Prica, A., Little, R. F., Shipp, M. A., Crump, M., Kahl, B., Leonard, J. P., Smith, S. M., Song, J. Y., Kelly, K. M., Friedberg, J. W.
Source: Hematological oncology. 41:33-35
12Academic Journal
Authors: Blum K, Steinberg B, Gondre-Lewis MC, Baron D, Modestino EJ, Badgaiyan RD, Downs BW, Bagchi D, Brewer R, McLaughlin T, Bowirrat A, Gold M
Source: Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Vol Volume 14, Pp 2115-2134 (2021)
Subject Terms: substance use disorder, sud, genomic disparity, dopamine, pro-dopamine regulation, kb220, gars, Psychology, BF1-990, Industrial psychology, HF5548.7-5548.85
File Description: electronic resource
Authors: Knoll, D., Heinemann, B., Barth, R., Blum, K., Borngraber, J., Drews, J., Ehwald, K.-E., Fischer, G., Fox, A., Grabolla, T., Haak, U., Hoppner, W., Korndorfer, F., Kuck, B., Marschmeyer, S., Richter, H., Rucker, H., Schley, P., Schmidt, D., Scholz, R., Senapati, B., Tillack, B., Winkler, W., Wolansky, D., Wolf, C., Wulf, H.-E., Yamamoto, Y., Zaumseil, P.
Source: Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Meeting Bipolar/BiCMOS circuits and technology Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Meeting. :241-244 2004
Relation: Proceedings of the 2004 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting
Authors: Knoll, D., Ehwald, K.E., Heinemann, B., Fox, A., Blum, K., Rucker, H., Furnhammer, F., Senapati, B., Barth, R., Haak, U., Hoppner, W., Drews, J., Kurps, R., Marschmeyer, S., Richter, H.H., Grabolla, T., Kuck, B., Fursenko, O., Schley, P., Scholz, R., Tillack, B., Yamamoto, Y., Kopke, K., Wulf, H.E., Wolansky, D., Winkler, W.
Source: Digest. International Electron Devices Meeting, Electron devices meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 2002. IEDM '02. International. :783-786 2002
Relation: IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
Authors: Ehwald, K.E., Knolll, D., Heinemann, B., Chang, K., Kitchgessner, J., Mauntel, R., Lim, I.S., Steele, J., Schley, P., Tillack, B., Wolff, A., Blum, K., Winkler, W., Pierschel, M., Jagdhold, U., Barth, R., Grabolla, T., Erzgraber, H.J., Hunger, B., Osten, H.J.
Source: International Electron Devices Meeting 1999. Technical Digest (Cat. No.99CH36318) Electron devices Electron Devices Meeting, 1999. IEDM '99. Technical Digest. International. :561-564 1999
Relation: International Electron Devices Meeting 1999. Technical Digest
Authors: Knoll, D., Heinemann, B., Barth, R., Blum, K., Drews, J., Wolff, A., Schley, P., Bolze, D., Tillack, B., Kissinger, G., Winkler, W., Osten, J.
Source: 28th European Solid-State Device Research Conference Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1998. Proceeding of the 28th European. :140-143 1998
Relation: 28th European Solid-State Device Research Conference
Authors: Schmundt, H., Knoll, D., Heinemann, B., Schley, P., Winter, H., Kuck, B., Schlote, J., Blum, K., Kurps, R., Grabolla, T., Rucker, H., Tillack, B., Bolze, K.D.
Source: 28th European Solid-State Device Research Conference Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1998. Proceeding of the 28th European. :260-263 1998
Relation: 28th European Solid-State Device Research Conference
Authors: Rucker, H., Heinemann, B., Barth, R., Bauer, J., Blum, K., Bolze, D., Drews, J., Fischer, G.G., Fox, A., Fursenko, O., Grabolla, T., Haak, U., Hoppner, W., Knoll, D., Kopke, K., Kuck, B., Mai, A., Marschmeyer, S., Morgenstern, T., Richter, H.H., Schley, P., Schmidt, D., Schulz, K., Tillack, B., Weidner, G., Winkler, W., Wolansky, D., Wulf, H.-E., Yamamototo, Y.
Source: 2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 2007. IEDM 2007. IEEE International. :651-654 Dec, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
Authors: Desai, S. H., Smith, A., Spinner, M., Sykorova, A., Bachanova, V., Evens, A. M., Goyal, G., Kahl, B., Dorritie, K., Azzi, J., Kenkre, V. P., Chang, C., Michalka, J., Fusco, B., Sumransub, N., Hatic, H., Saba, R., Ibrahim, U., Harris, E. I., Shah, H., Wagner‐Johnston, N., Arai, S., Mockikova, H., Jagadeesh, D., Blum, K. A., Diefenbach, C., Geyer, S., Iyenger, S., Rapazzo, K., Baidoun, F., Choi, Y., Advani, R. H., Prochazka, V., Micallef, I.
Source: Hematological oncology. 41:361-362
Authors: Bond, D. A., Wei, L., Yildiz, V., Reneau, J., Sawalha, Y., Christian, B., Brammer, J., Epperla, N., Koff, J., Dendorfer, A., Yang, L., Baiocchi, R., Voorhees, T., Sigmund, A. M., Hanel, W., Shindiapina, P., Denlinger, N., Penza, S., Jaglowski, S., Bezerra, E., Alinari, L., Blum, K. A, Maddocks, K.
Source: Hematological oncology. 41:597-598