Showing 1 - 20 results of 762 Refine Results
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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE. 8(7):4163-4170 Jul, 2023

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    Source: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment (Cat. No.00CH37082) Electronics and the enviroment Electronics and the Environment, 2000. ISEE 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on. :203-208 2000

    Relation: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment. ISEE - 2000

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    Authors: Mautz, K., Bloom, R.

    Source: Proceedings of SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop Semiconductor manufacturing Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop, 1995. ASMC 95 Proceedings. IEEE/SEMI 1995. :29-31 1995

    Relation: Proceedings of SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop

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    Academic Journal

    Authors: Della-Fiorentina, S., Begbie, S., Jennens, R., Dass, J., Pittman, K., Ivanova, N., Koynova, T., Petrov, P., Tomova, A., Tzekova, V., Couture, F., Hirsh, V., Burkes, R., Sangha, R., Ambrus, M., Janaskova, T., Musil, J., Novotny, J., Zatloukal, P., Jakesova, J., Klenha, K., Roubec, J., Vanasek, J., Fayette, J., Barlesi, F., Bennouna-Louridi, J., Chouaid, C., Mazières, J., Vallerand, H., Robinet, G., Souquet, P.-J., Spaeth, D., Schott, R., Lena, H., Martinet, Y., El Kouri, C., Baize, N., Scherpereel, A., Molinier, O., Fuchs, F., Josten, K.M., Manegold, C., Marschner, N., Schneller, F., Overbeck, T., Thomas, M., von Pawel, J., Reck, M., Schuette, W., Hagen, V., Schneider, C.-P., Georgoulias, V., Varthalitis, I., Zarogoulidis, K., Syrigos, K., Papandreou, C., Bocskei, C., Csanky, E., Juhasz, E., Losonczy, G., Mark, Z., Molnar, I., Papai-Szekely, Z., Tehenes, S., Vinkler, I., Almel, S., Bakshi, A., Bondarde, S., Maru, A., Pathak, A., Pedapenki, R.M., Prasad, K., Prasad, S.V.S.S., Kilara, N., Gorijavolu, D., Deshmukh, C.D., John, S., Sharma, L.M., Amoroso, D., Bajetta, E., Bidoli, P., Bonetti, A., De Marinis, F., Maio, M., Passalacqua, R., Cascinu, S., Bearz, A., Bitina, M., Brize, A., Purkalne, G., Skrodele, M., Baba, A.A., Ratnavelu, K., Saw, M.H., Samson-Fernando, M.C., Ladrera, G.E., Jassem, J., Koralewski, P., Serwatowski, P., Krzakowski, M., Cebotaru, C., Filip, D., Ganea-Motan, D.E., Ianuli, C.H., Manolescu, I.G., Udrea, A., Burdaeva, O., Byakhov, M., Filippov, A., Lazarev, S., Mosin, I., Orlov, S., Udovitsa, D., Khorinko, A., Protsenko, S., Chang, A., Lim, H.L., Tan, Y.O., Tan, E.H., Bastus Piulats, R., Garcia-Foncillas, J., Valdivia, J., de Castro, J., Domine Gomez, M., Kim, S.W., Lee, J.-S., Kim, H.K., Lee, J.S., Shin, S.W., Kim, D.-W., Kim, Y.-C., Park, K.C., Chang, C.-S., Chang, G.-C., Goan, Y.-G., Su, W.-C., Tsai, C.-M., Kuo, H.-P., Benekli, M., Demir, G., Gokmen, E., Sevinc, A., Crawford, J., Giaccone, G., Haigentz, M., Owonikoko, T., Agarwal, M., Pandit, S., Araujo, R., Vrindavanam, N., Bonomi, P., Berg, A., Wade, J., Bloom, R., Amin, B., Camidge, R., Hill, D., Rarick, M., Flynn, P., Klein, L., Lo Russo, K., Neubauer, M., Richards, P., Ruxer, R., Savin, M., Weckstein, D., Rosenberg, R., Whittaker, T., Richards, D., Berry, W., Ottensmeier, C., Dangoor, A., Steele, N., Summers, Y., Rankin, E., Rowley, K., Giridharan, S., Kristeleit, H., Humber, C., Taylor, P., Ramalingam, S., Perez-Soler, R., Douillard, J.-Y., Thatcher, N., Wang, Y., Pultar, P., Zhu, J., Malik, R.

    Source: In Annals of Oncology November 2013 24(11):2875-2880

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