Authors: O'Carroll, J. E., Zucco, L., Warwick, E., Arbane, G., Moonesinghe, S. R., El‐Boghdadly, K., Guo, N., Carvalho, B., Sultan, P., Abayasinghe, C, Abeywardana, C, Adams, L, Aduse‐Poku, M, Agarwal, M, Ahmed, D, Ahuja, P, Ali, H, Allen, G, Aly, H, Anderson, H, Annamalai, P, Appiah, S, Arbane, G, Arch, A, Armstrong, S, Ashraf, A, Athorn‐Wright, D, Atkinson, R, Austin, L, Badal, B, Bajaj, S, Baker, M, Balogun, O, Bampoe, S, Banni, D, Barnes, H, Barnes, L, Barot, N, Barr, R, Bassi, R, Baxendale, L, Beadle, S, Beard, H, Beatty, F, Beeby, S, Bell, J, Bell, S, Benlloch, R, Benn, T, Bennett, H, Beranova, E, Berry, S, Bethell, H, Bhatia, K, Bhattacharyya, S, Bhattari, B, Bhimanaboina, R, Bigwood, M, Bircham, S, Biss, J, Bland, J, Blightman, O, Botchway, P, Bouras, L, Bowditch, J, Boyle, H, Bradshaw, M, Brady, L, Brain, J, Brathwaite‐Shirley, C, Brayshaw, S, Bressington, C, Brewer, F, Bromley, D, Brown, E, Brown, J, Brown, N, Brown, B, Bruynseels, D, Buckley, R, Bukowska, I, Burnard, S, Burnell, R, Burnish, R, Busby, C, Butler, J, Camburn, T, Campbell, R, Campbell, N, Canclini, L, Cannons, V, Cantliffe, J, Carey, A, Carpenter, J, Carrington, R, Carta, S, Cassin, R, Castle, G, Chadderton, I, Chadwick, K, Challifour, C, Cheong, K, Cherian‐McIvor, V, Chirvasuta, R, Christmas, T, Christopolou, A, Clarey, E, Cochran, D, Coker, N, Colhoun, A, Colling, K, Collins, E, Collins, J, Collins, V, Colville, G, Connelly, S, Connolly, A, Conolloy, K, Cooper, C, Cope, S, Coppel, J, Cormack, C, Cortaville, R, Cottam, D, Cotterell, S, Cousins, S, Coutts, P, Cowan, A, Craig, C, Crail, C, Critchley, J, Crosby, R, Cross, C, Crossingham, G, Crossland, C, Cervera, T Cruz, Cummin, O, Curtis, S, Cusick, S, Das, A, Davenport, G, David, X, Davies, R, Davies, J, Davies, H, Iglesia, C, Dean, T, Dearden, J, Death, K, Deery, J, Denford, C, Derby, E, Desai, J, Diaz, C, Dissanayake, M, Dixon, C, Doleman, B, Donlon, S, Dooks, E, Downs, B, Duckham, E, Dudhill, H, Dunning, J, Eka, I, Eke, Z, Elam, L, Elfaioumy, A, Ellis, R, Ellis, C, Ellison, A, Elton, C, Endersby, D, Essien, S, Evans, K, Evans, J, Evans, L, Finlay, E, Finn, J, Fishwick, R, Fisk, S, Flood, O, Fludder, V, Flynn‐Batham, M, Foreman, K, Forsey, M, Foulds, A, Fox, C, Freeman, N, Fronda, R, Froud, O, Fulton, L, Gaines, M, Gallop, F, Garden, L, Garnder, A, Garner, Z, Garvey, G, Gautam, N, Gavin, J, Gentle, L, Gerth, A, Goel, R, Gohil, B, Goodman, B, Gosal, A, Gott, E, Gowans, S, Graham, C, Grant, H, Greaves, R, Greenwood, J, Griffiths, H, Grindey, J, Grindley, Z, Guanco, M, Guirguis, N, Gulati, A, Hall, T, Hammond, B, Hammond, S, Hania, A, Harish Dave, A, Harkett, L, Harris, S, Hart, E, Haslam, J, Hawes, R, Hayat, F, Hazeldine, S, Hazelton, T, Heard, R, Helley, L, Hemantha, H, Hemeson, C, Hendy, S, Henry, S, Henwood, M, Hickson, M, Hill, A, Hillen, J, Hindle, E, Hird, S, Hobden, G, Holcombe‐Law, R, Hollands, H, Holmes, R, Holmwood, X, Hooper, J, House, K, Howells, S, Hoyland, K, Hudsmith, J, Hughes, A, Hughes, D, Hunt, C, Hunt, A, Huson, C, Hussain, C, Hussey, T, Hyrniv, R, Ibrahim, H, Iliff, H, Imam, L, Ingram, H, Innes, E, Ions, R, Isherwood, A, Jackson, P, Jacques, N, Jain, V, Jain, P, Jama, R, Jarvis, M, Jennings, J, Jennison, H, Jesty, R, Joakim, B, Johal, J, John, G, John, N, Johnston, B, Johnston, J, Jones, B, Jones, S, Jones, K, Jones, R, Kalam‐Sakit, E, Kamath, P, Kapoor, A, Kaul, A, Kavanagh, L, Kearns, R, Kelkar, A, Kennedy, N, Kent, S, Kenworthy, J, Kenyon, C, Keown, T, Keskar, M, Kestner, S, Khan, A, Khanvelkar, G, Khorasanee, R, Kimber‐Craig, S, Kirby, G, Klukowski, M, Knight, G, Knights, S, Kostroglou, A, Kreppel, S, Kumar, A, Kurunaratne, N, Lake, K, Lakhani, R, Lalabekyan, B, Lally, B, Lanaghan, C, Landers, G, Langcake, T, Law, M, Laxton, V, Le Bas, J, Leach, S, Lewis, T, Lie, J, Liggett, S, Lindsay, H, Lloyd‐Davies, E, Lowden, V, Lucas, R, MacAfee, B, Maclachlan, K, Madhavan, B, Major, J, Mak, K, Malik, A, Manteigas, H, Maquinana, M, Marsh, C, Marta, M, Martin, N, Martir, G, Mathew, T, Mathews, A, Mawathage, M, McCague, M, McCartney, D, McCaul, C, McClune, G, Mccretton, D, McDowell, L, McGrath, C, McGuirk, S, McIlroy, A, McLeavey, S, McLoughlin, N, McNally, O, McNamara, H, Meadows, E, Medniuk, A, Melia, A, Metodiev, Y, Milewczyk, S, Miller, S, Mills, A, Milner, M, Miltsios, K, Mitchell, L, Mittal, M, Mohd Azmil, A, Moon, A, Moore, C, Moore, D, Morgan, A, Mostyn, R, Mowat, C, Muir, C, Mullington, C, Nabayego, P, Nagari Radhakrishna, J, Nalwaya, P, Napier, S, Nevis, A, Ng, S, Nicholson, A, Nicklin, A, Norman, K, Nugent, S, O'Connor, G, O'gara, B, Obiozo, C, Ochoa‐Ferraro, R, Odedra, P, Ogbomo, M, Onwochei, D, Ord, C, Oshodi, L, Pai, S, Pallab, R, Pankhadiwala, P, Papageorgiou, C, Papoutsos, C, Parker, J, Parker, R, Parrish, A, Patel, M, Patel, K, Pearson, H, Peers, B, Penacerrada, M, Pepper, S, Perkins, G, Peroos, S, Peshimam, K, Phillips, R, Phillips, S, Pike, J, Pillai, A, Plachikkattle Velu, R, Plunkett, E, Poole, M, Poon, S, Powell, R, Powell, L, Prabhakaran, R, Prince, B, Prince, C, Prior, Y, Pullen, J, Purvis, S, Puttaswamy, R, Qaiser, A, Quasim, S, Quinn, A, Qureshi, N, Radford, J, Rahim, S, Rai, S, Rand, A, Reed, B, Rehman, A, Retief, J, Reyes, A, Reynolds, J, Rhodes, L, Rhodes, K, Rice, E, Rich, M, Richards, N, Rimmer, C, Rishton, C, Ritzema, J, Robbins, L, Roberts, S, Roberts, B, Roberts, E, Robins, K, Robinson, K, Robley, R, Roche, M, Rochester, J, Rodal‐Prieto, N, Rohit, R, Rosser, H, Rothwell, J, Sach, L, Saha, S, Saji, B, Salmon, K, Salota, V, Salvana, A, Sanderson, A, Sanderson, L, Sandhar, R, Sarwar, Z, Sawyerr, A, Scale, R, Scott, A, Searle, E, Sellers, H, Seraj, S, Shankar, R, Sharafudeen, S, Sharieff, I, Sharp, T, Sharp, A, Shaw, J, Shekar, M, Shelton, C, Shelton, B, Sherwin, M, Short, J, Short, A, Simpson, M, Singh, A, Singler, V, Sinha, A, Sinnott, M, Sivaramakrishnan, S, Smee, E, Smith, K, Smith, R, Solly, R, Soundararajan, A, Sousi, E, Spence, K, Squires, P, Stephenson, L, Stewart, J, Stoddard, K, Stone, S, Stubbs, M, Sturmey, A, Suddick, G, Suleymanova, G, Sundararajan, V, Sundayi, S, Supermanian, S, Surgey, P, Swaminathan, L, Swettenham, K, Swift, P, Syson, J, Tamhane, P, Tamilselvan, P, Tanqueray, T, Tanqueray, E, Tanton, E, Taylor, S, Taylor, L, Taylor, C, Thomas, S, Thomas, C, Thompson, E, Thomson, A, Tim, O, Tipper, J, Towning, J, Townsend, C, Traves, M, Turney, S, Turnock, V, Twiss, S, Uduwela, C, Ufton, L, Uncles, D, Underhill, E, Usher, M, Vaidya, M, Van‐Hien, A, Varadan, R, Venkatesh, H, Verma, P, Vickers, L, Victoria, M, Volikas, I, Volk, R, Waddell, E, Waddington, H, Wagstaff, J, Walker, J, Wallace, G, Walters, M, Walton, E, Ware, A, Warren, R, Watson, R, Wells, E, Weston, C, Wheeler‐Davies, S, Whelan, C, White, N, Whitehouse, K, Wickramasinghe, N, Wieder, T, Wikner, M, Wild, H, Wilkinson, J, Wilkinson, D, Williams, L, Williams, B, Williams, C, Willsher, L, Wilson, S, Wilson, J, Wimalaratne, A, Windle, A, Wise, A, Wixted, D, Woollaston, J, Woolnough, M, Wooten, T, Wyatt, C, Wyatt, P, Wyndham, D, Yousef, A, Yoxall, P, Zawadzka, M, Zhao, X, Zucco, L
Source: Anaesthesia. 78(9):1071-1080
Authors: Bland, J. Travis, Williams, Adam M., Albertson, Nicole
Source: Public management review. 25(3):575-600
3Academic Journal
Authors: Bland, J., Mehranian, A., Belzunce, M.A., Ellis, S., McGinnity, C.J., Hammers, A., Reader, A.J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences IEEE Trans. Radiat. Plasma Med. Sci. Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, IEEE Transactions on. 2(3):235-243 May, 2018
4Academic Journal
Authors: Bland, J., Sharapov, S.E.
Source: In Fusion Engineering and Design May 2023 190
5Academic Journal
Authors: Maberly, Stephen C., Chao, Anne, Finlay, Bland J.
Source: In Protist December 2022 173(6)
6Academic Journal
Authors: Bland, J., Belzunce, M.A., Ellis, S., McGinnity, C.J., Hammers, A., Reader, A.J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences IEEE Trans. Radiat. Plasma Med. Sci. Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, IEEE Transactions on. 2(5):470-482 Sep, 2018
7Academic Journal
Authors: Mansell, R., Laloe, J.-B., Holmes, S. N., Khan, I., Yasar, M., Petrou, A., Farrer, I., Jones, G. A. C., Ritchie, D. A., Bland, J. A. C.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Trans. Magn. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 44(11):2666-2669 Nov, 2008
8Academic Journal
Authors: Bland, J. Travis1 (AUTHOR) jblan7@uis.edu, Dooley, Ty1 (AUTHOR), Williams, Adam2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Public Personnel Management. Mar2025, p1.
Authors: Guha, R., Shields, P., Tiffany-Morales, J., Bland, J., Campbell, A., Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning
Source: Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning. 2008.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 130
Sponsoring Agency: William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
James Irvine Foundation
Stuart FoundationDescriptors: School Restructuring, Global Approach, Teacher Supply and Demand, Educational Change, Mathematics Teachers, Science Teachers, Educational Policy, Faculty Development, Teacher Competencies, Data Collection, Beginning Teacher Induction, Beginning Teachers, Outcomes of Education, Citizenship Education, College Preparation, Education Work Relationship, Educational Improvement, Secondary Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, State Legislation, Educational Legislation, Barriers, Vocational Education, Labor Force Development
Geographic Terms: California
10Academic Journal
Authors: Fenchel, Tom, Finlay, Bland J., Esteban, Genoveva F.
Source: In Protist July 2019 170(3):314-318
Authors: Gillingham, D., Tselepi, M., Ionescu, A., Steinmuller, S. J., Bland, J.
Source: INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International. :160-160 May, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference
Authors: Laloe, J., Van Belle, F., Ionescu, A., Vaz, C., Tselepi, M., Wastlbauer, G., Dalgiesh, R., Langridge, S., Bland, J.
Source: INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International. :159-159 May, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference
Authors: Van Belle, F., Lew, W., Bland, J.
Source: INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International. :462-462 May, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference
Authors: Hayward, T. J., Llandro, J., Jiang, Z., Van Belle, F., Mitrelias, T., Bland, J., Castano, F. J., Ross, C. A.
Source: INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International. :544-544 May, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference
Authors: Van Belle, F., Lew, W., Mitrelias, T., Bland, J.
Source: INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International. :764-764 May, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference
Authors: Hayward, T. J., Van Belle, F., Bland, J., Castano, F. J., Jung, W., Morecroft, D., Ross, C. A.
Source: INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International. :939-939 May, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference
Authors: Hayward, T. J., Van Belle, F., Bland, J.
Source: INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International. :940-940 May, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference
18Academic Journal
Authors: Palfreyman, J. J., van Belle, F., Lew, W.-S., Mitrelias, T., Bland, J. A. C., Lopalco, M., Bradley, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Trans. Magn. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 43(6):2439-2441 Jun, 2007
19Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Trans. Magn. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 43(6):2872-2874 Jun, 2007
Authors: Honda, S., Itoh, H., Inoue, J., Kurebayashi, H., Trypiniotis, T., Barnes, C. H. W., Hirohata, A., Bland, J. A. C.
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.4094