Showing 1 - 20 results of 614 Refine Results
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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on. 50(11):3964-3969 Nov, 2022

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    Authors: Marcuzzi, D., Toigo, V., Boldrin, M., Chitarin, G., Bello, S. Dal, Grando, L., Luchetta, A., Pasqualotto, R., Pavei, M., Serianni, G., Zanotto, L., Agnello, R., Agostinetti, P., Agostini, M., Aprile, D., Barbisan, M., Battistella, M., Berton, G., Bigi, M., Brombin, M., Candela, V., Candeloro, V., Canton, A., Casagrande, R., Cavallini, C., Cavazzana, R., Cordaro, L., Cruz, N., Palma, M. Dalla, Dan, M., De Lorenzi, A., Delogu, R., De Muri, M., De Nardi, M., Denizeau, S., Fadone, M., Fellin, F., Ferro, A., Gaio, E., Gasparrini, C., Gnesotto, F., Jain, P., La Rosa, A., Lopez-Bruna, D., Lorenzini, R., Maistrello, A., Manduchi, G., Manfrin, S., Marconato, N., Mario, I., Martini, G., Milazzo, R., Patton, T., Peruzzo, S., Pilan, N., Pimazzoni, A., Poggi, C., Pomaro, N., Pouradier-Duteil, B., Recchia, M., Rigoni-Garola, A., Rizzetto, D., Rizzolo, A., Santoro, F., Sartori, E., Segalini, B., Shepherd, A., Siragusa, M., Sonato, P., Sottocornola, A., Spada, E., Spagnolo, S., Spolaore, M., Taliercio, C., Tinti, P., Tomsič, P., Trevisan, L., Ugoletti, M., Valente, M., Valisa, M., Veronese, F., Vignando, M., Zaccaria, P., Zagorski, R., Zaniol, B., Zaupa, M., Zuin, M., Cavenago, M., Boilson, D., Rotti, C., Decamps, H., Geli, F., Sharma, A., Veltri, P., Zacks, J., Simon, M., Paolucci, F., Garbuglia, A., Gutierrez, D., Masiello, A., Mico, G., Labate, C., Readman, P., Bragulat, E., Bailly-Maitre, L., Gomez, G., Kouzmenko, G., Albajar, F., Kashiwagi, M., Tobari, H., Kojima, A., Murayama, M., Hatakeyama, S., Oshita, E., Maejima, T., Shibata, N., Yamashita, Y., Watanabe, K., Singh, N. P., Singh, M. J., Dhola, H., Fantz, U., Heinemann, B., Wimmer, C., Wünderlich, D., Tsumori, K., Croci, G., Gorini, G., Muraro, A., Rebai, M., Tardocchi, M., Giacomelli, L., Rigamonti, D., Taccogna, F., Bruno, D., Rutigliano, M., Longo, S., Deambrosis, S., Miorin, E., Montagner, F., Tonti, A., Panin, F.

    Source: Fusion Engineering and Design 191 (2023) 113590

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    Source: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe) Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. :1-4 Jun, 2017

    Relation: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe)

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    Source: 2013 IEEE 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 2013 IEEE 25th Symposium on. :1-6 Jun, 2013

    Relation: 2013 IEEE 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE)

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    Source: 2011 IEEE/NPSS 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 2011 IEEE/NPSS 24th Symposium on. :1-6 Jun, 2011

    Relation: 2011 IEEE 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE)

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    Academic Journal

    Authors: Toigo, V., Marcuzzi, D., Serianni, G., Boldrin, M., Chitarin, G., Bello, S. Dal, Grando, L., Luchetta, A., Pasqualotto, R., Zaccaria, P., Zanotto, L., Agnello, R., Agostinetti, P., Agostini, M., Antoni, V., Aprile, D., Barbisan, M., Battistella, M., Berton, G., Bigi, M., Brombin, M., Candeloro, V., Canton, A., Casagrande, R., Cavallini, C., Cavazzana, R., Cordaro, L., Cruz, N., Palma, M. Dalla, Dan, M., De Lorenzi, A., Delogu, R., De Muri, M., Denizeau, S., Fadone, M., Fellin, F., Ferro, A., Gaio, E., Gasparini, F., Gasparrini, C., Gnesotto, F., Jain, P., Krastev, P., Lopez-Bruna, D., Lorenzini, R., Maistrello, A., Manduchi, G., Manfrin, S., Marconato, N., Martines, E., Martini, G., Martini, S., Milazzo, R., Patton, T., Pavei, M., Peruzzo, S., Pilan, N., Pimazzoni, A., Poggi, C., Pomaro, N., Pouradier-Duteil, B., Recchia, M., Rigoni-Garola, A., Rizzolo, A., Sartori, E., Shepherd, A., Siragusa, M., Sonato, P., Sottocornola, A., Spada, E., Spagnolo, S., Spolaore, M., Taliercio, C., Terranova, D., Tinti, P., Tomsič, P., Trevisan, L., Ugoletti, M., Valente, M., Vignando, M., Zagorski, R., Zamengo, A., Zaniol, B., Zaupa, M., Zuin, M., Cavenago, M., Boilson, D., Rotti, C., Veltri, P., Decamps, H., Dremel, M., Graceffa, J., Geli, F., Urbani, M., Zacks, J., Bonicelli, T., Paolucci, F., Garbuglia, A., Agarici, G., Gomez, G., Gutierrez, D., Kouzmenko, G., Labate, C., Masiello, A., Mico, G., Moreno, J-F, Pilard, V., Rousseau, A., Simon, M., Kashiwagi, M., Tobari, H., Watanabe, K., Maejima, T., Kojima, A., Oshita, E., Yamashita, Y., Konno, S., Singh, M., Chakraborty, A., Patel, H., Singh, N.P., Fantz, U., Bonomo, F., Cristofaro, S., Heinemann, B., Kraus, W., Wimmer, C., Wünderlich, D., Fubiani, G., Tsumori, K., Croci, G., Gorini, G., McCormack, O., Muraro, A., Rebai, M., Tardocchi, M., Giacomelli, L., Rigamonti, D., Taccogna, F., Bruno, D., Rutigliano, M., D'Arienzo, M., Tonti, A., Panin, F.

    Source: In Fusion Engineering and Design July 2021 168

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    Source: 2006 Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics Research in Microelectronics and Electronics 2006, Ph. D.. :301-304 2006

    Relation: 2006 Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics

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    Source: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference [Cat. No. 00CH37066] Instrumentation and measurement technology Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2000. IMTC 2000. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE. 3:1493-1498 vol.3 2000

    Relation: 17th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

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    Source: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Sensing, Processing, Networking. IMTC Proceedings Instrumentation and measurement technology Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1997. IMTC/97. Proceedings. Sensing, Processing, Networking., IEEE. 1:493-496 vol.1 1997

    Relation: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Sensing, Processing, Networking. IMTC Proceedings

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