1Academic Journal
Source: In Consciousness and Cognition July 2021 92
2Academic Journal
Authors: Sylvester, Chad M., Yu, Qiongru, Srivastava, A. Benjamin, Marek, Scott, Zheng, Annie, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios, Smyser, Christopher D., Shimony, Joshua S., Ortega, Mario, Dierker, Donna L., Patel, Gaurav H., Nelson, Steven M., Gilmore, Adrian W., McDermott, Kathleen B., Berg, Jeffrey J., Drysdale, Andrew T., Perino, Michael T., Snyder, Abraham Z., Raut, Ryan V., Laumann, Timothy O., Gordon, Evan M., Barch, Deanna M., Rogers, Cynthia E., Greene, Deanna J., Raichle, Marcus E., Dosenbach, Nico U. F.
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020 Feb . 117(7), 3808-3818.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26929019
3Academic Journal
Authors: Seitzman, Benjamin A., Gratton, Caterina, Laumann, Timothy O., Gordon, Evan M., Adeyemo, Babatunde, Dworetsky, Ally, Kraus, Brian T., Gilmore, Adrian W., Berg, Jeffrey J., Ortega, Mario, Nguyen, Annie, Greene, Deanna J., McDermott, Kathleen B., Nelson, Steven M., Lessov-Schlaggar, Christina N., Schlaggar, Bradley L., Dosenbach, Nico U. F., Petersen, Steven E.
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019 Nov 01. 116(45), 22851-22861.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26860632
4Academic Journal
Authors: Greene, Deanna J., Marek, Scott, Gordon, Evan M., Siegel, Joshua S., Gratton, Caterina, Laumann, Timothy O., Gilmore, Adrian W., Berg, Jeffrey J., Nguyen, Annie L., Dierker, Donna, Van, Andrew N., Ortega, Mario, Newbold, Dillan J., Hampton, Jacqueline M., Nielsen, Ashley N., McDermott, Kathleen B., Roland, Jarod L., Norris, Scott A., Nelson, Steven M., Snyder, Abraham Z., Schlaggar, Bradley L., Petersen, Steven E., Dosenbach, Nico U.F.
Source: In Neuron 19 February 2020 105(4):742-758
5Academic Journal
Authors: Strand, Julia F. (ORCID
0000-0001-5950-0139 ), Brown, Violet A., Brown, Hunter E., Berg, Jeffrey J.Source: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Jun 2018 44(6):962-973.
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 12
Descriptors: Grammar, Listening Comprehension, Oral Language, Eye Movements, Phonetics, Phonology, Acoustics, Auditory Perception, Context Effect, English, Visual Stimuli, Two Year College Students, Auditory Stimuli, Statistical Analysis
Geographic Terms: Minnesota
6Academic Journal
Authors: Gilmore, Adrian W., Nelson, Steven M., Laumann, Timothy O., Gordon, Evan M., Berg, Jeffrey J., Greene, Deanna J., Gratton, Caterina, Nguyen, Annie L., Ortega, Mario, Hoyt, Catherine R., Coalson, Rebecca S., Schlaggar, Bradley L., Petersen, Steven E., Dosenbach, Nico U.F., McDermott, Kathleen B.
Source: In NeuroImage 1 October 2019 199:427-439
7Academic Journal
Authors: Zerr, Christopher L., Berg, Jeffrey J., Nelson, Steven M., Fishell, Andrew K., Savalia, Neil K., McDermott, Kathleen B.
Source: Psychological Science, 2018 Sep 01. 29(9), 1436-1450.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26957484
8Academic Journal
Authors: Marek, Scott, Siegel, Joshua S., Gordon, Evan M., Raut, Ryan V., Gratton, Caterina, Newbold, Dillan J., Ortega, Mario, Laumann, Timothy O., Adeyemo, Babatunde, Miller, Derek B., Zheng, Annie, Lopez, Katherine C., Berg, Jeffrey J., Coalson, Rebecca S., Nguyen, Annie L., Dierker, Donna, Van, Andrew N., Hoyt, Catherine R., McDermott, Kathleen B., Norris, Scott A., Shimony, Joshua S., Snyder, Abraham Z., Nelson, Steven M., Barch, Deanna M., Schlaggar, Bradley L., Raichle, Marcus E., Petersen, Steven E., Greene, Deanna J., Dosenbach, Nico U.F.
Source: In Neuron 21 November 2018 100(4):977-993
9Academic Journal
Authors: Amodio, David M., Berg, Jeffrey J.
Source: Psychological Inquiry, 2018 Jan 01. 29(1), 14-19.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44863420
10Academic Journal
Authors: Gordon, Evan M., Laumann, Timothy O., Gilmore, Adrian W., Newbold, Dillan J., Greene, Deanna J., Berg, Jeffrey J., Ortega, Mario, Hoyt-Drazen, Catherine, Gratton, Caterina, Sun, Haoxin, Hampton, Jacqueline M., Coalson, Rebecca S., Nguyen, Annie L., McDermott, Kathleen B., Shimony, Joshua S., Snyder, Abraham Z., Schlaggar, Bradley L., Petersen, Steven E., Nelson, Steven M., Dosenbach, Nico U.F.
Source: In Neuron 16 August 2017 95(4):791-807
Authors: McDermott, Kathleen B., Wooldridge, Cynthia L., Rice, Heather J., Berg, Jeffrey J., Szpunar, Karl K.
Source: Quarterly journal of experimental psychology. 69(2):243-253
16Academic Journal
Source: Frontiers in Psychology; 11/21/2019, Vol. 10, p1-11, 11p
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