2Academic Journal
Authors: Polonsky, Judith, Tence, Martine, Varenne, Pierre, Das, Bhupesh C., Lunel, Jean, Benveniste, Jacques
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1980 Dec 01. 77(12), 7019-7023.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/9693
3Academic Journal
Authors: Benveniste, Jacques E.
Source: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 1967 May 01. 15(3), 558-568.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2946196
Authors: International Symposium on Platelet-activating Factor (PAF-Acether, AGEPC) and Structurally Related Ether-Lipids (1st : 1983 : Paris, France), Arnoux, Bernard., Benveniste, Jacques., Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (France)
Access URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015007154951
Authors: Benveniste, Jacques
Source: Frontier Perspectives. Spring93, Vol. 3 Issue 2, p13. 3p.
10Academic Journal
Authors: Benveniste, Jacques
Source: Science, 1988 Aug . 241(4869), 1028-1028.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1702389
11Academic Journal
Authors: Benveniste, Jacques
Source: Nature; October 27 1988, Vol. 335, p759-759, 1p
12Academic Journal
Source: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Jun1981, Vol. 370 Issue 1, p119-137, 19p
13Academic Journal
Authors: Nunez, Daniele, Charriaut-Marlangue, Christiane, Barel, Monique, Benveniste, Jacques, Frade, Raymond
Source: European Journal of Immunology; Apr1987, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p515-520, 6p
14Academic Journal
Source: European Journal of Immunology; Feb1982, Vol. 12 Issue 2, p141-146, 6p
15Academic Journal
Source: European Journal of Immunology; 1981, Vol. 11 Issue 8, p612-617, 6p
16Academic Journal
Source: European Journal of Immunology; May1979, Vol. 9 Issue 5, p409-415, 7p
17Academic Journal
Authors: Calabresse, Cynthia, Nguer, Momar Cheik, Pellegrini, Olivier, Benveniste, Jacques, Richard, Yolande, Thomas, YolèNe
Source: European Journal of Immunology; Jun1992, Vol. 22 Issue 6, p1349-1355, 7p
18Academic Journal
Authors: Vivier, Eric, Salem, Patrick, Dulioust, Anne, Praseuth, Daniele, Metezeau, Philippe, Benveniste, Jacques, Thomas, YolèNe
Source: European Journal of Immunology; Mar1988, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p425-430, 6p
19Academic Journal
Source: European Journal of Clinical Investigation; Dec1980, Vol. 10 Issue 6, p437-441, 5p
20Academic Journal
Source: Agents & Actions; Oct1982, Vol. 12 Issue 5, p716-720, 5p