1Academic Journal
Authors: Ciancia, S., Vannozzi, L., Poliziani, A., Guachi-Guachi, L., Amram, D., Lunni, D., Zucca, A., Bellini, M., Spagnoli, L., Pedrazzini, G.A., Cavazzana, A., Ricotti, L.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics IEEE Trans. Med. Robot. Bionics Medical Robotics and Bionics, IEEE Transactions on. 6(3):888-902 Aug, 2024
2Academic Journal
Authors: Kempe, M.D., Hacke, P., Morse, J., Owen-Bellini, M., Holsapple, D., Lockman, T., Hoang, S., Okawa, D., Lance, T., Ng, H.H.
Source: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of. 13(3):450-460 May, 2023
3Academic Journal
Authors: Silverman, T.J., Bosco, N., Owen-Bellini, M., Libby, C., Deceglie, M.G.
Source: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of. 12(4):1090-1093 Jul, 2022
Authors: Arango, Y., Romano, G., Mihaila, A., Bellini, M., Liu, C., Steimer, P., Wirths, S., Knoll, L., Bianda, E.
Source: 2020 32nd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), 2020 32nd International Symposium on. :230-233 Sep, 2020
Relation: 2020 32nd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Monti, L. a, ⁎, 1, Bellini, M. a, 1, Alberti, M. b, c, 1, Piane, E. a, Casseri, T. a, Sadotti, G. d, Marcia, S. e, Hirsc, J.A. f, Ginanneschi, F. b, c, Rossi, A. b, c
Source: In Magnetic Resonance Imaging April 2025 117
6Academic Journal
Authors: Ulicna, S., Sinha, A., Springer, M., Miller, D.C., Hacke, P., Schelhas, L.T., Owen-Bellini, M.
Source: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of. 11(5):1197-1205 Sep, 2021
Authors: Owen-Bellini, M., Sulas-Kern, D.B., Spataru, S., North, H., Perrin, G., Hacke, P.
Source: 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2019 IEEE 46th. 2:1-6 Jun, 2019
Relation: 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC)
Authors: Borghese, A., Riccio, M., Maresca, L., Breglio, G., Irace, A, Romano, G., Bianda, E., Mihaila, A., Bellini, M., Knoll, L., Wirths, S.
Source: 2019 31st International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), 2019 31st International Symposium on. :215-218 May, 2019
Relation: 2019 31st International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD)
Authors: Knoll, L., Mihaila, A., Wirths, S., Arango, Y., Prasmusinto, A., Bianda, E., Kranz, L., Bellini, M., Romano, G., Papadopoulos, C.
Source: 2019 31st International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), 2019 31st International Symposium on. :211-214 May, 2019
Relation: 2019 31st International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD)
10Academic Journal
Authors: Owen-Bellini, M., Sulas-Kern, D.B., Perrin, G., North, H., Spataru, S., Hacke, P.
Source: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of. 10(5):1254-1261 Sep, 2020
11Academic Journal
Authors: Hartley, J.Y., Owen-Bellini, M., Truman, T., Maes, A., Elce, E., Ward, A., Khraishi, T., Roberts, S.A.
Source: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of. 10(3):838-843 May, 2020
Authors: Vobecky, J., Botan, V., Meier, K. U., Tugan, K., Bellini, M.
Source: 2018 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), 2018 IEEE 30th International Symposium on. :156-159 May, 2018
Relation: 2018 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD)
Authors: Knoll, L., Mihaila, A., Kranz, L., Bellini, M., Wirths, S., Bianda, E., Papadopoulos, C., Rahimo, M.
Source: 2018 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), 2018 IEEE 30th International Symposium on. :451-454 May, 2018
Relation: 2018 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD)
Authors: Alvarez, S., Bellini, M., Vemulapati, U., Canales, F., Rahimo, M.
Source: 2018 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018 -ECCE Asia) Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018 –ECCE Asia), 2018 International. :4009-4015 May, 2018
Relation: 2018 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018 –ECCE Asia)
15Academic Journal
Authors: Bazzocchi, G., Corazziari, E.S., Staiano, A., Bassotti, G., Bellini, M., Chiarioni, G., D'Alba, L., Scarpato, E.
Source: In Digestive and Liver Disease May 2024 56(5):770-777
Authors: Bellini, M. K., Hart, K. P., Rodrigues, V. O., Tomita, A. H.
Subject Terms: Mathematics - Logic, Mathematics - General Topology, Mathematics - Group Theory
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.12917
Authors: Knoll, L., Mihaila, A., Bauer, F., Sundaramoorthy, V., Bianda, E., Minamisawa, R., Kranz, L., Bellini, M., Vemulapati, U., Bartolf, H., Kicin, S., Skibin, S., Papadopoulos, C., Rahimo, M.
Source: 2017 29th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and IC's (ISPSD) Power Semiconductor Devices and IC's (ISPSD), 2017 29th International Symposium on. :243-246 May, 2017
Relation: 2017 29th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and IC's (ISPSD)
Authors: Bellini, M. K., Boero, A. C., Rodrigues, V. O., Tomita, A. H.
Subject Terms: Mathematics - General Topology
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1909.03340
19Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of. 8(1):183-188 Jan, 2018
20Academic Journal
Authors: Anderlini, L., Bellini, M., Corsi, C., Lagomarsino, S., Lucarelli, C., Passaleva, G., Sciortino, S., Veltri, M.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 January 2023 1046