Authors: Kilpatrick, Alastair M, Rahman, Farzana, Anjum, Audra, Shome, Sayane, Andalib, K M Salim, Banik, Shrabonti, Chowdhury, Sanjana F, Coombe, Peter, Astroz, Yesid Cuesta, Douglas, J Maxwell, Eranti, Pradeep, Kiran, Aleyna D, Kumar, Sachendra, Lim, Hyeri, Lorenzi, Valentina, Lubiana, Tiago, Mahmud, Sakib, Puche, Rafael, Rybarczyk, Agnieszka, Al Sium, Syed Muktadir, Twesigomwe, David, Zok, Tomasz, Orengo, Christine A, Friedberg, Iddo, Kelso, Janet F, Welch, Lonnie
Source: Bioinformatics. 38(Supplement 1):i19-i27
2Academic Journal
Authors: Martinez-Hernandez, J. Eduardo, Berrios, Pablo, Santibáñez, Rodrigo, Astroz, Yesid Cuesta, Sanchez, Carolina, Martin, Alberto J. M., Trombert, Annette N.
Source: PeerJ; Jul2023, p1-20, 20p
Subject Terms: CONDORS, GUT microbiome, METAGENOMICS, MICROBIAL diversity, BIRDS of prey, CLOSTRIDIUM perfringens, ECOLOGICAL niche
Geographic Terms: SOUTH America
3Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Molecular modeling and structural variation of two human retrovirus integrases: HTLV-I and HIV-1. (English)
Authors: Vallejo, Felipe García, Astroz, Yesid Cuesta, Domínguez, Martha C., Sánchez, Adalberto, Cifuentes, Mercedes Salcedo, Díaz, Diane María, Quintana, Milton
Source: Salud Uninorte; jul2009, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p1-16, 16p, 2 Color Photographs, 3 Diagrams, 1 Chart, 1 Graph