Authors: Coudrain, Perceval, Charbonnier, J., Garnier, A., Vivet, P., Velard, R., Vinci, A., Ponthenier, F., Farcy, A., Segaud, R., Chausse, P., Arnaud, L., Lattard, D., Guthmuller, E., Romano, G., Gueugnot, A., Berger, F., Beltritti, J., Mourier, T., Gottardi, M., Minoret, S., Ribiere, C., Romero, G., Philip, P.-E., Exbrayat, Y., Scevola, D., Campos, D., Argoud, M., Allouti, N., Eleouet, R., Fuguet Tortolero, C., Aumont, C., Dutoit, D., Legalland, C., Michailos, J., Cheramy, S., Simon, G.
Source: 2019 IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2019 IEEE 69th. :569-578 May, 2019
Relation: 2019 IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)
Authors: Mastari, M., Charles, M., Pimenta-Barros, P., Argoud, M., Tiron, R., Papon, A. M., Chevalier, N., Hartmann, J. M., Landru, D., Kim, Y. P.
Source: ECS transactions. 109(4):317-328
Authors: Charbonnier, J., Plihon, A., Assous, M., Argoud, M., Allouti, N., Moreau, S., David, N., Brunet-Manquat, C., Hartler, C., Siegert, J., Wachmann, E.
Source: 2017 IEEE 19th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2017 IEEE 19th. :1-6 Dec, 2017
Relation: 2017 IEEE 19th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC)
Authors: Joblot, S., Farcy, A., Hotellier, N., Jouve, A., de Crecy, F., Garnier, A., Argoud, M., Ferrandon, C., Colonna, J. P., Franiatte, R., Laviron, C., Cheramy, S.
Source: 2013 IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC) 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), 2013 IEEE International. :1-7 Oct, 2013
Relation: 2013 IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC)
Authors: Jouve, A., Vial, K., Rolland, E., Coudrain, P., Aumont, C., Laviron, C., Fournel, F., Pellat, M., Montmeat, P., Allouti, N., Eleouet, R., Argoud, M., Dechamp, J., Bally, L., Vignoud, L., Donche, C., Hida, R., Ratin, C., Magis, T., Loup, V., Kachtouli, R., Gabette, L., Mourier, T., Cheramy, S., Sillon, N.
Source: 2013 IEEE 63rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2013 IEEE 63rd. :101-106 May, 2013
Relation: 2013 IEEE 63rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)
Authors: Ferrandon, C., Jouve, A., Joblot, S., Lamy, Y., Schreiner, A., Montmeat, P., Pellat, M., Argoud, M., Fournel, F., Simon, G., Cheramy, S.
Source: 2013 IEEE 63rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2013 IEEE 63rd. :761-767 May, 2013
Relation: 2013 IEEE 63rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)
Authors: Vial, K., Jouve, A., Rolland, E., Coudrain, P., Aumont, C., Foumel, F., Pellat, M., Montmeat, P., Allouti, N., Eleouet, R., Argoud, M., Dechamp, J., Bally, L., Vignoud, L., Hida, R., Ratin, C., Magis, T., Loup, V., Kachtouli, R., Gabette, L., Mourier, T., Laviron, C., Cheramy, S., Sillon, N.
Source: 2012 IEEE 14th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2012 IEEE 14th. :445-450 Dec, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE 14th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference - (EPTC 2012)
8Academic Journal
Authors: Mastari, M., Charles, M., Pimenta-Barros, P., Argoud, M., Tiron, R., Papon, A.M., Landru, D., Kim, Y., Kononchuck, O., Hartmann, J.M.
Source: In Journal of Crystal Growth 1 December 2019 527
Authors: Mastari, M., Charles, M., Bogumilowicz, Y., Pimenta-Barros, P., Argoud, M., Tiron, R., Papon, A. M., Muyard, D., Chevalier, N., Landru, D.
Source: ECS transactions. 86(7):249-258
Authors: Jouve, A., Sinquin, Y., Garnier, A., Daval, M., Chausse, P., Argoud, M., Allouti, N., Baud, L., Dechamp, J., Franiatte, R., Cheramy, S., Kato, H., Kondo, K.
Source: 2015 International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC) 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), 2015 International. :TS1.4.1-TS1.4.8 Aug, 2015
Relation: 2015 International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC)
11Academic Journal
Authors: Paya-Argoud, M., Tardieu, C., Cheynet, F., Raskin, A., Borel, L.
Source: In Gait & Posture January 2019 67:25-30
Authors: Rademaker, G. J., Le Pennec, A., Giammaria, T. J., Benotmane, K., Pham, H., Bouet, C., Gusmao Cacho, M. G., Argoud, M., Pourteau, M.-L., Paquet, A.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 11326:113260Z-113260Z-12
Authors: Tiron, R., Chevalier, X., Gharbi, A., Argoud, M., Pimenta-Barros, P., Maret, M., Gergaud, P., Terlier, T., Barnes, J.-P., Navarro, C.
Source: Materials Research Society symposia proceedings. 1750:1-11
Authors: Bordel, D., Argoud, M., Augendre, E., Harduin, J., Philippe, P., Olivier, N., Messaoudene, S., Gilbert, K., Grosse, P., Bakir, B.B.
Source: ECS TRANSACTIONS. 33(4):403-410
Authors: Argoud, M., Moriceau, H., Fretigny, C., Rieutord, F., Morales, C., Clavelier, L.
Source: ECS TRANSACTIONS. 33(4):217-224
16Academic Journal
Authors: Landis, S., Brianceau, P., Reboud, V., Chaix, N., Désières, Y., Argoud, M.
Source: In Microelectronic Engineering November 2013 111:193-198
Authors: Servin, I., Tiron, R., Gharbi, A., Argoud, M., Jullian, K., Chamiot-Maitral, G., Barros, P.P., Chevalier, X., Belledent, J., Bossy, X.
18Academic Journal
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Authors: Gronheid, Roel, Sanders, Daniel P., Rademaker, G. J., Le Pennec, A., Giammaria, T. J., Benotmane, K., Pham, H., Bouet, C., Gusmao Cacho, M. G., Argoud, M., Pourteau, M.-L., Paquet, A., Gharbi, A., Navarro, C., Nicolet, C., Chevalier, X., Sakavuyi, K., Nealey, P., Tiron, R.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE; May 2020, Vol. 11326 Issue: 1 p113260Z-113260Z-12, 11212753p
Authors: Barros, P.P., Barnola, S., Gharbi, A., Argoud, M., Servin, I., Tiron, R., Chevalier, X., Navarro, C., Nicolet, C., Lapeyre, C.