1Academic Journal
Authors: Andrew S. Bray, Christopher A. Broberg, Andrew W. Hudson, Weisheng Wu, Ravinder K. Nagpal, Maidul Islam, Juan D. Valencia-Bacca, Fawaz Shahid, Giovanna E. Hernandez, Noah A. Nutter, Kimberly A. Walker, Emma F. Bennett, Taylor M. Young, Andrew J. Barnes, David A. Ornelles, Virginia L. Miller, M. Ammar Zafar
Source: Nature Communications, Vol 16, Iss 1, Pp 1-17 (2025)
Subject Terms: Science
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/2041-1723
2Academic Journal
Authors: Marian Jarlenski, Susan Kennedy, Annaliese Johnson, Caroline Hale, Zoe D’Angelo, Aza Nedhari, Gerria Coffee, Molly Chappell-McPhail, Kiddada Green, Dara D. Méndez, Leigh G. Goetschius, Sarah Gareau, Kristin Ashford, Andrew J. Barnes, Katherine A. Ahrens, Kara Zivin, Elizabeth Mosley, Lu Tang, Writing Committee for Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network
Source: Health Research Policy and Systems, Vol 22, Iss 1, Pp 1-11 (2024)
Subject Terms: Pregnancy, Postpartum, Doula, Medicaid, Implementation science, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1478-4505
3Academic Journal
Authors: Laurel Davis, Marvin So, Andrew J. Barnes, Rebecca J. Shlafer
Source: Dialogues in Health, Vol 6, Iss , Pp 100208- (2025)
Subject Terms: Incarceration, Mixed methods, Adverse childhood experiences, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S277265332500005X; https://doaj.org/toc/2772-6533
4Academic Journal
Authors: Andrew J. Barnes
Source: Technology in Language Teaching & Learning, Vol 5, Iss 2 (2023)
Subject Terms: e-feedback, Moodle, take-home feedback, task engagement, written corrective feedback, Theory and practice of education, LB5-3640, Language acquisition, P118-118.7
File Description: electronic resource
5Academic Journal
Source: BMC Pediatrics, Vol 21, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2021)
Subject Terms: Developmental origins of health and disease, Adverse childhood experiences, Homelessness, Pediatrics, RJ1-570
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1471-2431
6Academic Journal
Authors: Thomas Rice, Wilm Quentin, Anders Anell, Andrew J. Barnes, Pauline Rosenau, Lynn Y. Unruh, Ewout van Ginneken
Source: BMC Health Services Research, Vol 18, Iss 1, Pp 1-18 (2018)
Subject Terms: Access, Coinsurance, Copayments, Deductibles, Cost-sharing, Comparative health systems, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
7Academic Journal
Authors: Robert T. Braun, Yaniv Hanoch, Andrew J. Barnes
Source: BMC Health Services Research, Vol 17, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2017)
Subject Terms: Tobacco, Smoking, Health literacy, Health insurance literacy, Insurance, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12913-017-2680-7; https://doaj.org/toc/1472-6963
8Academic Journal
Authors: Andrew J. Barnes, Yaniv Hanoch
Source: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, Vol 6, Iss 1, Pp 1-3 (2017)
Subject Terms: Choice architecture, Health insurance, Literacy, Numeracy, Medicine (General), R5-920, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
9Academic Journal
Authors: Jillian S. Merrick, Madelyn H. Labella, Angela J. Narayan, Christopher D. Desjardins, Andrew J. Barnes, Ann S. Masten
Source: Children, Vol 7, Iss 4, p 33 (2020)
Subject Terms: childhood adversity, homelessness, measurement, psychological distress, stressful life events, Pediatrics, RJ1-570
File Description: electronic resource
10Academic Journal
Authors: Robert T. Braun, Andrew J. Barnes, Yaniv Hanoch, Alex D. Federman
Source: Health Literacy Research and Practice, Vol 2, Iss 1, Pp e40-e54 (2018)
Subject Terms: health literacy, Medicare, managed care, health insurance, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
11Academic Journal
Authors: Marvin So (ORCID
0000-0002-3639-0472 ), Rebecca L. Freese, Andrew J. BarnesSource: Journal of School Health. 2024 94(2):128-137.
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 10
Sponsoring Agency: National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) (DHHS/NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) (DHHS/NIH)
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) (DHHS), Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)
Institute of Education Sciences (ED)Descriptors: Discipline, Suspension, Expulsion, Depression (Psychology), Anxiety, Resilience (Psychology), Student Characteristics, Correlation, Racial Differences, Ethnicity, Gender Differences, Socioeconomic Status
IES Funded: Yes
12Academic Journal
Source: Children, Vol 5, Iss 8, p 108 (2018)
Subject Terms: integrative medicine, hypnosis, mindfulness, biofeedback, acupuncture, yoga, guided imagery, self-regulation, complementary, education, Pediatrics, RJ1-570
File Description: electronic resource
13Academic Journal
Source: Children, Vol 5, Iss 7, p 96 (2018)
Subject Terms: adolescents, homeless, resilience, parents, internal assets, Pediatrics, RJ1-570
File Description: electronic resource
14Academic Journal
Authors: Mollika A. Sajady, Christopher J. Mehus, Emily C. Moody, Ericka G. Jaramillo, Ezekiel Mupere, Andrew J. Barnes, Sarah E. Cusick
Source: Children, Vol 5, Iss 8, p 101 (2018)
Subject Terms: development, milestones, screening, poverty, stunting, lead exposure, developmental risk, child health, global health, pediatrics, Pediatrics, RJ1-570
File Description: electronic resource
15Academic Journal
Authors: Ann S. Masten, Andrew J. Barnes
Source: Children, Vol 5, Iss 7, p 98 (2018)
Subject Terms: resilience, stress, risk, vulnerability, system, protective factor, pathways, cascade, Pediatrics, RJ1-570
File Description: electronic resource
16Academic Journal
Authors: Andrew J. Barnes, Theresa L. Lafavor, J. J. Cutuli, Lei Zhang, Charles N. Oberg, Ann S. Masten
Source: Children, Vol 4, Iss 8, p 70 (2017)
Subject Terms: family homelessness, cognitive functioning, chronic health conditions, middle childhood, child development, resilience, psychosocial risk, Pediatrics, RJ1-570
File Description: electronic resource
17Academic Journal
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18Academic Journal
Authors: Maldonado, Gabrielle T., ORCID 0009-0006-9124-8969. Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Höchsmann, Christoph, ORCID 0000-0003-2007-3007. Ingestive Behavior, Weight Management and Health Promotion Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University System, LA, US, Anbil, Akansha. Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Neubig, Karissa. Ingestive Behavior, Weight Management and Health Promotion Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University System, LA, US, Imran, Rabia. Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Fuemmeler, Bernard F.. Department of Family Medicine and Population Health, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, VA, US, Lipato, Thokozeni. Department of Internal Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, VA, US, Rachagiri, Vineela. Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Barnes, Andrew J.. Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Martin, Corby K.. Department of Family Medicine and Population Health, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, VA, US, Cobb, Caroline O., ORCID 0000-0003-3258-252X. Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, cobbco@vcu.edu
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol 32(4), Aug, 2024. pp. 465-474. NLM Title Abbreviation: Exp Clin Psychopharmacol
Publisher: US : American Psychological Association
Supplemental Data: Tables and Figures Internet
Publication Type: Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal
19Academic Journal
Authors: So, Marvin, ORCID 0000-0002-3639-0472. University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, US, marso@lifelongmedical.org, Davis, Laurel. Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, US, Barnes, Andrew J.. Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, US, Freese, Rebecca. Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Minnesota, MN, US, Atella, Julie. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, St. Paul, MN, US, Shlafer, Rebecca J.. Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, US
Families, Systems, & Health, Vol 42(1), Mar, 2024. pp. 90-100. NLM Title Abbreviation: Fam Syst Health
Publisher: US : Educational Publishing Foundation
Other Journal Titles: Family Systems Medicine
Other Publishers: US : Brunner/Mazel Publishers, Inc.
US : Families, Systems & Health, Inc.
US : Family Process, Inc.
US : Family Systems Medicine, Inc.Supplemental Data: Tables and Figures Internet
Publication Type: Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal
20Academic Journal
Authors: White, Augustus M., ORCID 0000-0001-7794-1253. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, whiteam25@vcu.edu, Bono, Rose S.. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Lester, Rebecca C.. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Underwood, Megan. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Hoetger, Cosima. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Lipato, Thokozeni. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Bickel, Warren K.. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Cobb, Caroline O.. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US, Barnes, Andrew J.. Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, US
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol 31(5), Oct, 2023. pp. 895-901. NLM Title Abbreviation: Exp Clin Psychopharmacol
Publisher: US : American Psychological Association
Supplemental Data: Tables and Figures Internet
Publication Type: Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal