Showing 1 - 20 results of 68 Refine Results
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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 30(7):4137-4153 Jul, 2024

    Linked Full Text
  2. 2
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 29(2):1559-1572 Feb, 2023

    Linked Full Text
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    Source: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37510) Instrumentation and measurement technology Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2004. IMTC 04. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE. 3:1870-1872 Vol.3 2004

    Relation: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 51(4):1909-1915 Aug, 2004

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    Source: [1991] Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 1991., Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on. :782-787 vol.2 1991

    Relation: 1991 3rd International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials

  6. 6
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications IEEE Parallel Distrib. Technol., Syst. Appl. Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications, IEEE. 4(2):41-48 Jan, 1996

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    Source: Proceedings of the 19th Electrical Electronics Insulation Conference, Electrical Electronics Insulation Conference, 1989. Chicago '89 EEIC/ICWA Exposition., Proceedings of the 19th. :263-267 1989

    Relation: Proceedings of the 19th Electrical Electronics Insulation Conference,

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    Source: Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 1989. Annual Report., Conference on. :422-428 1989

    Relation: Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena

  13. 13

    Source: 1988. Annual Report., Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 1988. Annual Report., Conference on. :403-411 1988

    Relation: 1988. Annual Report., Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena

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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Authors: Abbott, B, Abolins, M, Acharya, B.S, Adam, I, Adams, D.L, Adams, M, Ahn, S, Aihara, H, Alves, G.A, Amos, N, Anderson, E.W, Astur, R, Baarmand, M.M, Babukhadia, L, Baden, A, Balamurali, V, Balderston, J, Baldin, B, Banerjee, S, Bantly, J, Barberis, E, Bartlett, J.F, Belyaev, A, Beri, S.B, Bertram, I, Bezzubov, V.A, Bhat, P.C, Bhatnagar, V, Bhattacharjee, M, Biswas, N, Blazey, G, Blessing, S, Bloom, P, Boehnlein, A, Bojko, N.I, Borcherding, F, Boswell, C, Brandt, A, Brock, R, Bross, A, Buchholz, D, Burtovoi, V.S, Butler, J.M, Carvalho, W, Casey, D, Casilum, Z, Castilla-Valdez, H, Chakraborty, D, Chang, S.-M, Chekulaev, S.V, Chen, L.-P, Chen, W, Choi, S, Chopra, S, Choudhary, B.C, Christenson, J.H, Chung, M, Claes, D, Clark, A.R, Cobau, W.G, Cochran, J, Coney, L, Cooper, W.E, Cretsinger, C, Cullen-Vidal, D, Cummings, M.A.C, Cutts, D, Dahl, O.I, Davis, K, De, K, Signore, K.Del, Demarteau, M, Denisov, D, Denisov, S.P, Diehl, H.T, Diesburg, M, Loreto, G.Di, Draper, P, Ducros, Y, Dudko, L.V, Dugad, S.R, Edmunds, D, Ellison, J, Elvira, V.D *, Engelmann, R, Eno, S, Eppley, G, Ermolov, P, Eroshin, O.V, Evdokimov, V.N, Fahland, T, Fatyga, M.K, Feher, S, Fein, D, Ferbel, T, Finocchiaro, G, Fisk, H.E, Fisyak, Y, Flattum, E, Forden, G.E, Fortner, M, Frame, K.C, Fuess, S, Gallas, E, Galyaev, A.N, Gartung, P, Gavrilov, V, Geld, T.L, II, R.J.Genik, Genser, K, Gerber, C.E, Gershtein, Y, Gibbard, B, Glenn, S, Gobbi, B, Goldschmidt, A, Gómez, B, Gómez, G, Goncharov, P.I, GonzálezSolı́s, J.L, Gordon, H, Goss, L.T, Gounder, K, Goussiou, A, Graf, N, Grannis, P.D, Green, D.R, Greenlee, H, Grinstein, S, Grudberg, P, Grünendahl, S, Guglielmo, G, Guida, J.A, Guida, J.M, Gupta, A, Gurzhiev, S.N, Gutierrez, G, Gutierrez, P, Hadley, N.J, Haggerty, H, Hagopian, S, Hagopian, V, Hahn, K.S, Hall, R.E, Hanlet, P, Hansen, S, Hauptman, J.M, Hedin, D, Heinson, A.P, Heintz, U, Hernández-Montoya, R, Heuring, T, Hirosky, R, Hobbs, J.D, Hoeneisen, B, Hoftun, J.S, Hsieh, F, Hu, Ting, Hu, Tong, Huehn, T, Ito, A.S, James, E, Jaques, J, Jerger, S.A, Jesik, R, Jiang, J.Z.-Y, Joffe-Minor, T, Johns, K, Johnson, M, Jonckheere, A, Jones, M, Jöstlein, H, Jun, S.Y, Jung, C.K, Kahn, S, Kalbfleisch, G, Kang, J.S, Karmanov, D, Karmgard, D, Kehoe, R, Kelly, M.L, Kim, C.L, Kim, S.K, Klima, B, Klopfenstein, C, Kohli, J.M, Koltick, D, Kostritskiy, A.V, Kotcher, J, Kotwal, A.V, Kourlas, J, Kozelov, A.V, Kozlovsky, E.A, Krane, J, Krishnaswamy, M.R, Krzywdzinski, S, Kuleshov, S, Kunori, S, Landry, F, Landsberg, G, Lauer, B, Leflat, A, Li, H, Li, J, Li-Demarteau, Q.Z, Lima, J.G.R, Lincoln, D, Linn, S.L, Linnemann, J, Lipton, R, Liu, Y.C, Lobkowicz, F, Loken, S.C, Lökös, S, Lueking, L, Lyon, A.L, Maciel, A.K.A, Madaras, R.J, Madden, R, Magaña-Mendoza, L, Manankov, V, Mani, S, Mao, H.S, Markeloff, R, Marshall, T, Martin, M.I, Mauritz, K.M, May, B, Mayorov, A.A, McCarthy, R, McDonald, J, McKibben, T, McKinley, J, McMahon, T, Melanson, H.L, Merkin, M, Merritt, K.W, Miettinen, H, Mincer, A, Mishra, C.S, Mokhov, N, Mondal, N.K, Montgomery, H.E, Mooney, P, da Motta, H, Murphy, C, Nang, F, Narain, M, Narasimham, V.S, Narayanan, A, Neal, H.A, Negret, J.P, Nemethy, P, Norman, D, Oesch, L, Oguri, V, Oliveira, E, Oltman, E, Oshima, N, Owen, D, Padley, P, Para, A, Park, Y.M, Partridge, R, Parua, N, Paterno, M, Pawlik, B, Perkins, J, Peters, M, Piegaia, R, Piekarz, H, Pischalnikov, Y, Pope, B.G, Prosper, H.B, Protopopescu, S, Qian, J, Quintas, P.Z, Raja, R, Rajagopalan, S, Ramirez, O, Rasmussen, L, Reucroft, S, Rijssenbeek, M, Rockwell, T, Roco, M, Rubinov, P, Ruchti, R, Rutherfoord, J, Sánchez-Hernández, A, Santoro, A, Sawyer, L, Schamberger, R.D, Schellman, H, Sculli, J, Shabalina, E, Shaffer, C, Shankar, H.C, Shivpuri, R.K, Shupe, M, Singh, H, Singh, J.B, Sirotenko, V, Smart, W, Smith, E, Smith, R.P, Snihur, R, Snow, G.R, Snow, J, Snyder, S, Solomon, J, Sosebee, M, Sotnikova, N, Souza, M, Spadafora, A.L, Steinbrück, G, Stephens, R.W, Stevenson, M.L, Stewart, D, Stichelbaut, F, Stoker, D, Stolin, V, Stoyanova, D.A, Strauss, M, Streets, K, Strovink, M, Sznajder, A, Tamburello, P, Tarazi, J, Tartaglia, M, Thomas, T.L.T, Thompson, J, Trippe, T.G, Tuts, P.M, Varelas, N, Varnes, E.W, Vititoe, D, Volkov, A.A, Vorobiev, A.P, Wahl, H.D, Wang, G, Warchol, J, Watts, G, Wayne, M, Weerts, H, White, A, White, J.T, Wightman, J.A, Willis, S, Wimpenny, S.J, Wirjawan, J.V.D, Womersley, J, Won, E, Wood, D.R, Xu, H, Yamada, R, Yamin, P, Yang, J, Yasuda, T, Yepes, P, Yoshikawa, C, Youssef, S, Yu, J, Yu, Y, Zhou, Z, Zhu, Z.H, Zieminska, D, Zieminski, A, Zverev, E.G, Zylberstejn, A

    Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1999 424(2):352-394

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