1Academic Journal
Authors: Altieri, M., Corizzo, R., Ceci, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learning Syst. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 35(9):11773-11787 Sep, 2024
Authors: De Carvalho, M., Altieri, M., Puricelli, L., Butzen, P., Ribas, R. P., Fabris, E.
Source: 2016 17th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS) Test Symposium (LATS), 2016 17th Latin-American. :135-140 Apr, 2016
Relation: 2016 17th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS)
3Academic Journal
Authors: Boudjema, Karim, Bachellier, Philippe, Conti, Filomena, Scatton, Olivier, Muscari, Fabrice, Salame, Ephrem, Bernard, Pierre Henri, Francoz, Claire, Durand, Francois, Dharancy, Sébastien, Woehl, Marie-lorraine, Vanlemmens, Claire, Laurent, Alexis, Radenne, Sylvie, Dumortier, Jérôme, Abergel, Armand, Cherqui, Daniel, Barbier, Louise, Houssel-Debry, Pauline, Pageaux, Georges Philippe, Chiche, Laurence, Deledinghen, Victor, Hardwigsen, Jean, Gugenheim, J., Altieri, M., Hilleret, Marie Noelle, Decaens, Thomas, Duvoux, Christophe, Piñero, Federico, Chagas, Aline, Costa, Paulo, Cristina de Ataide, Elaine, Quiñones, Emilio, Duque, Sergio Hoyos, Marciano, Sebastián, Anders, Margarita, Varón, Adriana, Zerega, Alina, Poniachik, Jaime, Soza, Alejandro, Machaca, Martín Padilla, Arufe, Diego, Menéndez, Josemaría, Zapata, Rodrigo, Vilatoba, Mario, Muñoz, Linda, Menéndez, Ricardo Chong, Maraschio, Martín, Podestá, Luis G., McCormack, Lucas, Mattera, Juan, Gadano, Adrian, Fatima Boin, Ilka S.F., Parente García, Jose Huygens, Carrilho, Flair, Silva, Marcelo, Notarpaolo, Andrea, Magini, Giulia, Miglioresi, Lucia, Gambato, Martina, Di Benedetto, Fabrizio, D’Ambrosio, Cecilia, Ettorre, Giuseppe Maria, Vitale, Alessandro, Burra, Patrizia, Fagiuoli, Stefano, Cillo, Umberto, Colledan, Michele, Pinelli, Domenico, Magistri, Paolo, Vennarecci, Giovanni, Colasanti, Marco, Giannelli, Valerio, Pellicelli, Adriano, Baccaro, Cizia, Lai, Quirino, Degroote, Helena, Van Vlierberghe, Hans, Eduard, Callebout, Samuele, Iesari, Jeroen, Dekervel, Jonas, Schreiber, Jacques, Pirenne, Chris, Verslype, Dirk, Ysebaert, Peter, Michielsen, Valerio, Lucidi, Christophe, Moreno, Olivier, Detry, Jean, Delwaide, Roberto, Troisi, Paul, Lerut Jan, Costentin, Charlotte, Boin, Ilka F., Baccaro, Cinzia, Dibenedetto, Fabrizio, Marciano, Sebastian, Rubinstein, Fernando
Source: In JHEP Reports May 2022 4(5)
Authors: Altieri, M., Lombardi, W., Puschini, D., Lesecq, S.
Source: 2013 23rd International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS) Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2013 23rd International Workshop on. :207-214 Sep, 2013
Relation: 2013 23rd International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Boudjema, Karim, Bachellier, Philippe, Conti, Filomena, Scatton, Olivier, Muscari, Fabrice, Salame, Ephrem, Bernard, Pierre Henri, Francoz, Claire, Durand, Francois, Dharancy, Sébastien, Woehl, Marie-lorraine, Vanlemmens, Claire, Laurent, Alexis, Radenne, Sylvie, Dumortier, Jérôme, Abergel, Armand, Cherqui, Daniel, Barbier, Louise, Houssel-Debry, Pauline, Pageaux, Georges Philippe, Chiche, Laurence, Deledinghen, Victor, Hardwigsen, Jean, Gugenheim, J., Altieri, M., Hilleret, Marie Noelle, Decaens, Thomas, Duvoux, Christophe, Piñero, Federico, Chagas, Aline, Costa, Paulo, Cristina de Ataide, Elaine, Quiñones, Emilio, Duque, Sergio Hoyos, Marciano, Sebastián, Anders, Margarita, Varón, Adriana, Zerega, Alina, Poniachik, Jaime, Soza, Alejandro, Machaca, Martín Padilla, Arufe, Diego, Menéndez, Josemaría, Zapata, Rodrigo, Vilatoba, Mario, Muñoz, Linda, Menéndez, Ricardo Chong, Maraschio, Martín, Podestá, Luis G., Fauda, M., Campaña, A. Gonzalez, McCormack, Lucas, Mattera, Juan, Gadano, Adrian, Fatima Boin, Ilka S.F., Parente García, Jose Huygens, Carrilho, Flair, Silva, Marcelo, Notarpaolo, Andrea, Magini, Giulia, Miglioresi, Lucia, Gambato, Martina, Di Benedetto, Fabrizio, D’Ambrosio, Cecilia, Ettorre, Giuseppe Maria, Vitale, Alessandro, Burra, Patrizia, Fagiuoli, Stefano, Cillo, Umberto, Colledan, Michele, Pinelli, Domenico, Magistri, Paolo, Vennarecci, Giovanni, Colasanti, Marco, Giannelli, Valerio, Pellicelli, Adriano, Baccaro, Cizia, Degroote, Helena, Van Vlierberghe, Hans, Eduard, Callebout, Samuele, Iesari, Jeroen, Dekervel, Jonas, Schreiber, Jacques, Pirenne, Chris, Verslype, Dirk, Ysebaert, Peter, Michielsen, Valerio, Lucidi, Christophe, Moreno, Olivier, Detry, Jean, Delwaide, Roberto, Troisi, Paul, Lerut Jan, Costentin, Charlotte, Boin, Ilka F., Baccaro, Cinzia, Chagas, Aline Lopes, Di Benedetto, Fabrio, Gadano, Adrián, Rubinstein, Fernando
Source: In JHEP Reports October 2021 3(5)
Authors: Erfanianfar, G., Popesso, P., Finoguenov, A., Wilman, D., Wuyts, S., Biviano, A., Salvato, M., Mirkazemi, M., Morselli, L., Ziparo, F., Nandra, K., Lutz, D., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Tanaka, M., Altieri, M. B., Aussel, H., Bauer, F., Berta, S., Bielby, R. M., Brandt, N., Cappelluti, N., Cimatti, A., Cooper, M. C., Fadda, D., Ilbert, O., Floch, E. Le, Magnelli, B., Mulchaey, J. S., Nordon, R., Newman, J. A., Poglitsch, A., Pozzi, F.
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.01899
7Academic Journal
Authors: Azambuja, J. R., Altieri, M., Becker, J., Kastensmidt, F
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 60(4):2805-2812 Aug, 2013
Authors: Altieri, M., Lesecq, S., Beigne, E., Heron, O.
Source: 2017 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS),2017 IEEE International. :CR-6.1-CR-6.6 Apr, 2017
Relation: 2017 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)
9Academic Journal
Authors: Azambuja, J. R., Pagliarini, S., Altieri, M., Kastensmidt, F. L., Hubner, M., Becker, J., Foucard, G., Velazco, R.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 59(4):1117-1124 Aug, 2012
Authors: Erfanianfar, G., Popesso, P., Finoguenov, A., Wuyts, S., Wilman, D., Biviano, A., Ziparo, F., Salvato, M., Nandra, K., Lutz, D., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Tanaka, M., Mirkazemi, M., Balogh, M. L., Altieri, M B., Aussel, H., Bauer, F., Berta, S., Bielby, R. M., Brandt, N., Cappelluti, N., Cimatti, A., Cooper, M., Fadda, D., Ilbert, O., Floch, E. Le, Magnelli, B., Mulchaey, J. S., Nordon, R., Newman, J. A., Poglitsch, A., Pozzi, F.
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.5795
Authors: Pancheri, C., Maraone, A., Roselli, V., Altieri, M., Di Piero, V., Biondi, M., Pasquini, M., Tarsitani, L.
Source: Rivista di psichiatria. 55(5):262-268
12Academic Journal
Authors: Taragano, F.E., Kril, J., Cavalieri, M., Jellinger, K.A., Kovacs, G.G., Engelborghs, S., Lafosse, C., Bertolucci, P.H., Brucki, S., Caramelli, P., de Toledo Ferraz Alves, T.C., Bocti, C., Fulop, T., Hogan, D.B., Hsiung, G.R., Kirk, A., Leach, L., Robillard, A., Sahlas, D.J., Guo, Q., Tian, J., Hokkanen, L., Jokinen, H., Benisty, S., Deramecourt, V., Hauw, J., Lenoir, H., Tsatali, M., Tsolaki, M., Sundar, U., Coen, R.F., Korczyn, A.D., Altieri, M., Baldereschi, M., Caltagirone, C., Caravaglios, G., Di Carlo, A., Di Piero, V., Gainotti, G., Galluzzi, S., Logroscino, G., Mecocci, P., Moretti, D.V., Padovani, A., Fukui, T., Ihara, M., Mizuno, T., Kim, S.Y., Akinyemi, R., Baiyewu, O., Ogunniyi, A., Szczudlik, A., Bastos-Leite, A.J., Firmino, H., Massano, J., Verdelho, A., Kruglov, L.S., Ikram, M.K., Kandiah, N., Arana, E., Barroso-Ribal, J., Calatayud, T., Cruz-Jentoft, A.J., López-Pousa, S., Martinez-Lage, P., Mataro, M., Börjesson-Hanson, A., Englund, E., Laukka, E.J., Qiu, C., Viitanen, M., Biessels, G.J., de Leeuw, F.-E., den Heijer, T., Exalto, L.G., Kappelle, L.J., Prins, N.D., Richard, E., Schmand, B., van den Berg, E., van der Flier, W.M., Bilgic, B., Allan, L.M., Archer, J., Attems, J., Bayer, A., Blackburn, D., Brayne, C., Bullock, R., Connelly, P.J., Farrant, A., Fish, M., Harkness, K., Ince, P.G., Langhorne, P., Mann, J., Matthews, F.E., Mayer, P., Pendlebury, S.T., Perneczky, R., Peters, R., Smithard, D., Stephan, B.C., Swartz, J.E., Todd, S., Werring, D.J., Wijayasiri, S.N., Wilcock, G., Zamboni, G., Au, R., Borson, S., Bozoki, A., Browndyke, J.N., Corrada, M.M., Crane, P.K., Diniz, B.S., Etcher, L., Fillit, H., Greenberg, S.M., Grinberg, L.T., Hurt, S.W., Lamar, M., Mielke, M., Ott, B.R., Perry, G., Powers, W.J., Ramos-Estebanez, C., Reed, B., Roberts, R.O., Romero, J.R., Saykin, A.J., Seshadri, S., Silbert, L., Stern, Y., Zarow, C., Skrobot, Olivia A., Black, Sandra E., Chen, Christopher, DeCarli, Charles, Erkinjuntti, Timo, Ford, Gary A., Kalaria, Rajesh N., O'Brien, John, Pantoni, Leonardo, Pasquier, Florence, Roman, Gustavo C., Wallin, Anders, Sachdev, Perminder, Skoog, Ingmar, Ben-Shlomo, Yoav, Passmore, Anthony P., Love, Seth, Kehoe, Patrick G.
Source: In Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association March 2018 14(3):280-292
Authors: Toscano, M., Viganò, A., Rea, A., Verzina, A., Sasso D'Elia, T., Puledda, F., Longo, L., Mancini, V., Ruggiero, M., Jannini, T. B., Giuliani, G., Albino, F., Altieri, M., Vicenzini, E., Fattapposta, F., Pauri, F., Giacomini, P., Ruoppolo, G., Di Piero, V.
Source: European journal of neurology. 26(4):596-602
14Academic Journal
Authors: Taragano, F.E., Kril, J., Cavalieri, M., Jellinger, K.A., Kovacs, G.G., Engelborghs, S., Lafosse, C., Bertolucci, P.H., Brucki, S., Caramelli, P., de Toledo Ferraz Alves, T.C., Bocti, C., Fulop, T., Hogan, D.B., Hsiung, G.R., Kirk, A., Leach, L., Robillard, A., Sahlas, D.J., Guo, Q., Tian, J., Hokkanen, L., Jokinen, H., Benisty, S., Deramecourt, V., Hauw, J., Lenoir, H., Tsatali, M., Tsolaki, M., Sundar, U., Coen, R.F., Korczyn, A.D., Altieri, M., Baldereschi, M., Caltagirone, C., Caravaglios, G., Di Carlo, A., DI Piero, V., Gainotti, G., Galluzzi, S., Logroscino, G., Mecocci, P., Moretti, D.V., Padovani, A., Fukui, T., Ihara, M., Mizuno, T., Kim, S.Y., Akinyemi, R., Baiyewu, O., Ogunniyi, A., Szczudlik, A., Bastos-Leite, A.J., Firmino, H., Massano, J., Verdelho, A., Kruglov, L.S., Ikram, M.K., Kandiah, N., Arana, E., Barroso-Ribal, J., Calatayud, T., Cruz-Jentoft, A.J., López-Pousa, S., Martinez-Lage, P., Mataro, M., Börjesson-Hanson, A., Englund, E., Laukka, E.J., Qiu, C., Viitanen, M., Biessels, G.J., de Leeuw, F.-E., den Heijer, T., Exalto, L.G., Kappelle, L.J., Prins, N.D., Richard, E., Schmand, B., van den Berg, E., van der Flier, W.M., Bilgic, B., Allan, L.M., Archer, J., Attems, J., Bayer, A., Blackburn, D., Brayne, C., Bullock, R., Connelly, P.J., Farrant, A., Fish, M., Harkness, K., Ince, P.G., Langhorne, P., Mann, J., Matthews, F.E., Mayer, P., Pendlebury, S.T., Perneczky, R., Peters, R., Smithard, D., Stephan, B.C., Swartz, J.E., Todd, S., Werring, D.J., Wijayasiri, S.N., Wilcock, G., Zamboni, G., Au, R., Borson, S., Bozoki, A., Browndyke, J.N., Corrada, M.M., Crane, P.K., Diniz, B.S., Etcher, L., Fillit, H., Greenberg, S.M., Grinberg, L.T., Hurt, S.W., Lamar, M., Mielke, M., Ott, B.R., Perry, G., Powers, W.J., Ramos-Estebanez, C., Reed, B., Roberts, R.O., Romero, J.R., Saykin, A.J., Seshadri, S., Silbert, L., Stern, Y., Zarow, C., Skrobot, Olivia A., O'Brien, John, Black, Sandra, Chen, Christopher, DeCarli, Charles, Erkinjuntti, Timo, Ford, Gary A., Kalaria, Rajesh N., Pantoni, Leonardo, Pasquier, Florence, Roman, Gustavo C., Wallin, Anders, Sachdev, Perminder, Skoog, Ingmar, Ben-Shlomo, Yoav, Passmore, Anthony P., Love, Seth, Kehoe, Patrick G.
Source: In Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association June 2017 13(6):624-633
Authors: Altieri, M. S., Pagnotti, G., Corthals, A., Shroyer, K., Pryor, A. D., Talamini, M., Telem, D. A.
Source: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY. 31(4):1591-1598
Authors: Jacobi, J., Mathez-Stiefel, S. L., Gambon, H., Rist, S., Altieri, M.
Authors: Zheng, R., Altieri, M. S., Yang, J., Chen, H., Pryor, A. D., Bates, A., Talamini, M. A., Telem, D. A.
Source: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY. 31(2):817-822
Authors: Altieri, M. S., Frenkel, C., Scriven, R., Thornton, D., Halbert, C., Talamini, M., Telem, D. A., Pryor, A. D.
Source: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY. 31(1):107-111
Authors: Altieri, M. A., Nicholls, C. I.
Source: CLIMATIC CHANGE. 140(1):33-45
Presence of a fellowship improves perioperative outcomes following hepatopancreatobiliary procedures
Authors: Altieri, M. S., Yang, J., Yin, D., Frenkel, C., Talamini, M., Telem, D. A., Pryor, A.
Source: SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY. 31(7):2918-2924