1Academic Journal
Authors: Demo, Edoardo1 (AUTHOR), Ongaro, Giulio2 (AUTHOR) giulio.ongaro@unimib.it
Source: Business History. Jan2025, Vol. 67 Issue 1, p26-49. 24p.
Subject Terms: *Businesspeople, *Account books, Sixteenth century, Rural geography, Peasants
Geographic Terms: Venice (Italy)
2Academic Journal
3Academic Journal
Authors: Slavíčková, Pavla1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Accounting Historians Journal. Dec2024, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p81-91. 11p.
Subject Terms: *Bookkeeping, *Account books, *Farms, *Accounting, Agriculture
4Academic Journal
Authors: Rappazzo, Nicola1 (AUTHOR), Marisca, Carmelo1 (AUTHOR), Sargiacomo, Massimo2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Accounting Historians Journal. Dec2024, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p53-79. 27p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, Bibliometrics, Authorship, Participation, Maps
5Academic Journal
Authors: Luo, Yi1 (AUTHOR), Salterio, Steven E.2 (AUTHOR), Adamson, Constance2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Accounting Horizons. Dec2024, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p173-189. 17p.
Subject Terms: *Accounting, *Account books, *Auditing, *Financial research, *Conservatism (Accounting), Research personnel
6Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Analysis of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the speed of journals in the field of accounting sciences.
Análisis del impacto de la pandemia del Covid-19 en la velocidad de las revistas del ámbito de las ciencias contables.Authors: Nogueira Montenegro, Andréa Ewellin1 andreaewellinn@gmail.com, Vieira Xavier, Redvânia2 redvaniavieira@ufam.edu.br, de Carvalho Francisco Soares, Luiz Augusto3 luizufamfes@ufam.edu.br, de Sales Lima, Mariomar4 msl@ufam.edu.br
Source: Revista Ambiente Contábil. jul-dez2024, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p74-95. 22p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *ACCOUNT books, *RESEARCH personnel, *COVID-19, *CONTENT analysis
7Academic Journal
Authors: Ferreira Leitão Azevedo, Renato1 (AUTHOR) razeved2@illinois.edu, Lourenço, Isabel2 (AUTHOR) isabel.lourenco@iscte-iul.pt, Oliveira, Jonas2 (AUTHOR) jonas.silva.oliveira@iscte-iul.pt, Branco, Manuel Castelo3 (AUTHOR) mcbranco@fep.up.pt
Source: Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 2025, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p145-170. 26p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, *Empirical research, Social network analysis, Research personnel, Research methodology
8Academic Journal
Authors: Argilés-Bosch, Josep M.1 (AUTHOR) josep.argiles@ub.edu, Ravenda, Diego2 (AUTHOR), Garcia-Blandon, Josep3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Serials Review. Feb2025, p1-14. 14p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, *Regression analysis, *Multivariate analysis, *Empirical research, Acquisition of manuscripts
9Academic Journal
Authors: Inui, Hideaki1 (AUTHOR) hideaki.j.inui@gmail.com
Source: Rural History. Apr2024, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p22-39. 18p.
10Academic Journal
Authors: Kelly, Samantha1
Source: Sixteenth Century Journal; Spring2025, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p231-233, 3p
11Academic Journal
Source: Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts / Sayistay Dergisi. Dec2024, Vol. 35 Issue 135, p703-721. 19p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, *Real property, *Public-private sector cooperation, *Leases, Legal judgments, Hospital buildings
12Academic Journal
Authors: Poulsen, Frank Ejby1 (AUTHOR), Maekelberg, Sanne2 (AUTHOR)
Source: KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge. Spring2024, Vol. 8 Issue 1/2, p43-80. 38p.
Subject Terms: *SEVENTEENTH century, *ACCOUNT books, *CLOTHES closets, *LIBRARIES, *SHELVING for books, *PUBLIC libraries
13Academic Journal
Authors: Serkowski DeStrange, Natalie J.1
Source: Hudson River Valley Review. Spring2024, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p69-89. 21p.
14Academic Journal
Authors: Solcan, Șarolta1 saroltasolcan@yahoo.com
Source: Banatica. 2024, Vol. 34, p343-364. 22p.
15Academic Journal
Authors: Cascino, Stefano1 (AUTHOR), Daske, Holger2 (AUTHOR), DeFond, Mark3 (AUTHOR), Florou, Annita4 (AUTHOR), Gassen, Joachim5 (AUTHOR), Hung, Mingyi6 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of International Accounting Research. Oct2023, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p85-96. 12p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, *Conferences & conventions
16Academic Journal
Authors: Xu, Lina1 (AUTHOR), Dellaportas, Steven2 (AUTHOR) steven.dellaportas@xjtlu.edu.cn, Yang, Zhiqiang3 (AUTHOR), Wang, Jin4 (AUTHOR)
Source: Accounting & Finance. Dec2023, Vol. 63 Issue 4, p4779-4803. 25p.
Subject Terms: *Managerial accounting, *Account books, *Auditing, Interdisciplinary research
17Academic Journal
Authors: Klein, Daniel B.1 dklein@gmu.edu
Source: Econ Journal Watch. Sep2023, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p460-464. 5p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, *Fraud
18Academic Journal
Authors: Elliott, George D.1 (AUTHOR) gdelliot@pnw.edu
Source: AMBIX. Nov2023, Vol. 70 Issue 4, p357-379. 23p.
Geographic Terms: NEW England
19Academic Journal
Authors: Federsel, Florian Philipp1 (AUTHOR) florian.federsel@uni-bayreuth.de, Fülbier, Rolf Uwe1 (AUTHOR) rolf-uwe.fuelbier@uni-bayreuth.de, Seitz, Jan1 (AUTHOR) jan.seitz@uni-bayreuth.de
Source: Journal of Accounting Literature. 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p368-400. 33p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, Regional differences, Machine learning, Evidence gaps, Research personnel
Geographic Terms: Europe
20Academic Journal
Authors: KARADEMİR, Ayşenur1 aysenurkarademir@gumushane.edu.tr
Source: Istanbul Journal of Economics / İstanbul Iktisat Dergisi. 2024, Vol. 74 Issue 2, p351-375. 25p.
Subject Terms: *Account books, *Economic equilibrium, Social stability, Eighteenth century, Waqf