1Academic Journal
Authors: Antoranz, Yoel1, yoel.antoranz@estudiante.uam.es, Alonso-Pérez-Chao, Enrique2,3, ealonsoperezchao@gmail.com, Tejero-González, Carlos M.1, carlos.tejero@uam.es, Salazar, Hugo4, hsalazar002@gmail.com, del Campo-Vecino, Juan1, juan.delcampo@uam.es, Jiménez-Sáiz, Sergio L.5, sergio.jimenez.saiz@urjc.es
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Nov2024, Vol. 14 Issue 22, p10542, 9p
2Academic Journal
Authors: Kynoch, M.C.1, mckynoch@alaska.edu, Williams, C.T.2, Breed, G.A.1,3, Kielland, K.1,3
Source: Canadian Journal of Zoology; 2/18/2025, Vol. 103, p1-14, 14p
3Academic Journal
Authors: Hudgins, Brynn L.1, Blhudgins@uncg.edu, Seo, Yeongjun1, Bittel, Kelsey M.1, Williams, Kemiah1, Hevel, Derek J.1, Labban, Jeffrey D.2, Maher, Jackie P.1
Source: Journal of Aging & Physical Activity; Feb2025, Vol. 33 Issue 1, p63-70, 8p
4Academic Journal
Authors: Alexander, Christina J.1,2,3,4 (AUTHOR), Manske, Sarah L.1,3,5 (AUTHOR), Edwards, W. Brent1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Gabel, Leigh1,2,3,4 (AUTHOR) leigh.gabel@ucalgary.ca
Source: Sensors (14248220). May2024, Vol. 24 Issue 10, p3019. 12p.
5Academic Journal
Authors: Ibáñez, Sergio José1,2, jagaru@unex.essibanez@unex.es, Gantois, Petrus3, pgmgantois@gmail.com, Rico-González, Markel4, markel.rico@ehu.eus, García-Rubio, Javier1,2, Ortega, José Pino5, josepinoortega@um.es
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); May2024, Vol. 14 Issue 10, p4120, 17p
6Academic Journal
Authors: Vibæk, Martin1 (AUTHOR) abpe@mmmi.sdu.dk, Peimankar, Abdolrahman1 (AUTHOR), Wiil, Uffe Kock1 (AUTHOR) ukwiil@mmmi.sdu.dk, Arvidsson, Daniel2 (AUTHOR) daniel.arvidsson@gu.se, Brønd, Jan Christian3 (AUTHOR) jbrond@health.sdu.dk
Source: Sensors (14248220). Apr2024, Vol. 24 Issue 8, p2520. 15p.
Subject Terms: *WRIST, *ACCELEROMETRY, *CONVOLUTIONAL neural networks, *RECURRENT neural networks
7Academic Journal
Authors: Weber, Andrea1 (AUTHOR) Andrea.Weber@klinik.uni-regensburg.de, van Hees, Vincent T.2 (AUTHOR), Stein, Michael J.1 (AUTHOR), Gastell, Sylvia3 (AUTHOR), Steindorf, Karen4 (AUTHOR), Herbolsheimer, Florian4 (AUTHOR), Ostrzinski, Stefan5 (AUTHOR), Pischon, Tobias6 (AUTHOR), Brandes, Mirko7 (AUTHOR), Krist, Lilian8 (AUTHOR), Marschollek, Michael9 (AUTHOR), Greiser, Karin Halina10 (AUTHOR), Nimptsch, Katharina6 (AUTHOR), Brandes, Berit7 (AUTHOR), Jochem, Carmen1 (AUTHOR), Sedlmeier, Anja M.1 (AUTHOR), Berger, Klaus11 (AUTHOR), Brenner, Hermann12 (AUTHOR), Buck, Christoph7 (AUTHOR), Castell, Stefanie13 (AUTHOR)
Source: Scientific Reports. 4/4/2024, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-13. 13p.
Subject Terms: *ACCELEROMETRY, *EVIDENCE gaps, *QUALITY control, *PHYSICAL activity, *CHRONIC diseases, *ACCELEROMETERS
8Academic Journal
Authors: Suszek, Hubert1 (AUTHOR) hubert.suszek@psych.uw.edu.pl, Gabińska, Anna2 (AUTHOR), Kopera, Maciej3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Constructivist Psychology. Apr-Jun2024, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p144-156. 13p.
Subject Terms: *VIDEO recording, *ACCELEROMETRY
9Academic Journal
Authors: Kinsey, Laura E.1, Cherney, Leora R.2
Source: American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology; Dec2024, Vol. 33, p3247-3295, 49p
10Academic Journal
Authors: Shao-Hsuan Lee1, Guo-She Lee2,3, guosheli@gmail.com
Source: Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research; Dec2024, Vol. 67 Issue 12, p4598-4613, 16p
11Academic Journal
Authors: Pomiersky, Rebekka1,2, rebekka.pomiersky@uni-tuebingen.de, Matting, Leon1,2, Haigis, Daniel2,3, Eschweiler, Gerhard W.4, Frahsa, Annika5, Niess, Andreas2,3, Thiel, Ansgar1,2, Sudeck, Gordon1,2
Source: Journal of Aging & Physical Activity; Oct2024, Vol. 32 Issue 5, p588-597, 10p
12Academic Journal
Source: Pediatric Exercise Science; Feb2025, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p62-67, 6p
Subject Terms: HYPERTENSION risk factors, RISK assessment, CROSS-sectional method, BODY mass index, RESEARCH funding, BODY weight, ACCELEROMETRY, EXERCISE intensity, DESCRIPTIVE statistics, STATURE, DIASTOLIC blood pressure, BLOOD pressure, CHILDHOOD obesity, SYSTOLIC blood pressure, PHYSICAL activity, DISEASE complications
13Academic Journal
Authors: Vets, Nieke1,2, Verbeelen, Kaat1,2,3, Emmerzaal, Jill4, Devoogdt, Nele1,2,5, Smeets, Ann6,7, Van Assche, Dieter1, De Baets, Liesbet1,8,9, De Groef, An1,2,3,10 an.degroef@kuleuven.be
Source: Gait & Posture. Jan2025, Vol. 115, p69-81. 13p.
Subject Terms: *ARM, *ACCELEROMETRY, *META-analysis, *CLINICAL trials
Reviews & Products: WEB of Science (Web resource)
14Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Chih-Liang1, firefawkes3@gmail.com, Li, Cheng-Xue2, Liang, Sheng-Fu3
Source: European Journal of Ageing; 9/28/2024, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p1-14, 14p
Authors: Bartseva, Ksenia, Nikishkina, Uliana, Koriakina, Maria, Lukov, Mikhail, Kirsanov, Aleksandr, Fomicheva, Daria, Andreeva, Darja, Levchenko, Elena, Dasaeva, Adelina, Blagovechtchenski, Evgeny
Source: 2024 Sixth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN) Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN), 2024 Sixth International Conference. :15-18 Sep, 2024
Relation: 2024 Sixth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN)
16Academic Journal
Source: International Journal of Sports Physiology & Performance; Oct2024, Vol. 19 Issue 10, p1030-1040, 11p
17Academic Journal
Authors: Montgomery, Gallin1, Tobias, Jon H.2,3, Paskins, Zoe4,5, Khera, Tarnjit K.2, Huggins, Cameron J.6, Allison, Sarah J.7,8, Abasolo, Daniel6, Clark, Emma M.2, Ireland, Alex1, a.ireland@mmu.ac.uk
Source: Journal of Aging & Physical Activity; Jun2024, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p428-437, 10p
18Academic Journal
Authors: Abdul Jabbar, Khalid1 (AUTHOR) khalid.abdul-jabbar@auckland.ac.nz, Mc Ardle, Ríona2 (AUTHOR) riona.mcardle@newcastle.ac.uk, Lord, Sue3 (AUTHOR) sue.lord@aut.ac.nz, Kerse, Ngaire1 (AUTHOR) n.kerse@auckland.ac.nz, Del Din, Silvia2,4 (AUTHOR) silvia.del-din@newcastle.ac.uk, Teh, Ruth1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Sensors (14248220). Sep2023, Vol. 23 Issue 17, p7615. 30p.
Subject Terms: *PHYSICAL activity, *ACCELEROMETRY, *INTRACLASS correlation, *PHYSICAL measurements, *ADULTS, *OLDER people, *FRAIL elderly
Authors: Singh, Ashutosh Kumar, Rana, Ajay, Kapse, Vinod
Source: 2024 International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering (IC3SE) Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering (IC3SE), 2024 International Conference on. :1-4 May, 2024
Relation: 2024 International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering (IC3SE)
20Academic Journal
Authors: Litwin, Linda, Sundholm, Johnny K.M., Olander, Rasmus F.W., Meinilä, Jelena, Kulmala, Janne, Tammelin, Tuija H., Rönö, Kristiina, Koivusalo, Saila B., Eriksson, Johan G., Sarkola, Taisto
Source: Pediatric Exercise Science; Aug2024, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p146-154, 9p
Subject Terms: TURNAROUND time, RISK assessment, CROSS-sectional method, HEALTH status indicators, BODY mass index, RADIAL artery, ADIPOSE tissues, PHYSIOLOGICAL adaptation, RESEARCH funding, SEDENTARY lifestyles, MOTHERS, GESTATIONAL diabetes, ACCELEROMETRY, CARDIOVASCULAR diseases risk factors, DESCRIPTIVE statistics, ULTRASONIC imaging, EXERCISE intensity, HEART beat, DIASTOLIC blood pressure, PULSE wave analysis, CONFIDENCE intervals, CHILDHOOD obesity, PHYSICAL activity, CARDIOVASCULAR system, ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY