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  1. 1
    Academic Journal

    Authors: P. Adhikari, R. Ajaj, M. Alpízar-Venegas, P.-A. Amaudruz, J. Anstey, G. R. Araujo, D. J. Auty, M. Baldwin, M. Batygov, B. Beltran, H. Benmansour, C. E. Bina, J. Bonatt, W. Bonivento, M. G. Boulay, B. Broerman, J. F. Bueno, P. M. Burghardt, A. Butcher, M. Cadeddu, B. Cai, M. Cárdenas-Montes, S. Cavuoti, M. Chen, Y. Chen, S. Choudhary, B. T. Cleveland, J. M. Corning, R. Crampton, D. Cranshaw, S. Daugherty, P. DelGobbo, K. Dering, P. Di Stefano, J. DiGioseffo, G. Dolganov, L. Doria, F. A. Duncan, M. Dunford, E. Ellingwood, A. Erlandson, S. S. Farahani, N. Fatemighomi, G. Fiorillo, S. Florian, A. Flower, R. J. Ford, R. Gagnon, D. Gallacher, P. García Abia, S. Garg, P. Giampa, A. Giménez-Alcázar, D. Goeldi, V. V. Golovko, P. Gorel, K. Graham, D. R. Grant, A. Grobov, A. L. Hallin, M. Hamstra, P. J. Harvey, S. Haskins, C. Hearns, J. Hu, J. Hucker, T. Hugues, A. Ilyasov, B. Jigmeddorj, C. J. Jillings, A. Joy, O. Kamaev, G. Kaur, A. Kemp, M. Kuźniak, F. La Zia, M. Lai, S. Langrock, B. Lehnert, A. Leonhardt, J. LePage-Bourbonnais, N. Levashko, J. Lidgard, T. Lindner, M. Lissia, J. Lock, L. Luzzi, I. Machulin, P. Majewski, A. Maru, J. Mason, A. B. McDonald, T. McElroy, T. McGinn, J. B. McLaughlin, R. Mehdiyev, C. Mielnichuk, L. Mirasola, J. Monroe, P. Nadeau, C. Nantais, C. Ng, A. J. Noble, E. O’Dwyer, G. Oliviéro, C. Ouellet, S. Pal, D. Papi, P. Pasuthip, S. J. M. Peeters, M. Perry, V. Pesudo, E. Picciau, M.-C. Piro, T. R. Pollmann, F. Rad, E. T. Rand, C. Rethmeier, F. Retière, I. Rodríguez García, L. Roszkowski, J. B. Ruhland, R. Santorelli, F. G. Schuckman II, N. Seeburn, S. Seth, V. Shalamova, K. Singhrao, P. Skensved, N. J. T. Smith, B. Smith, K. Sobotkiewich, T. Sonley, J. Sosiak, J. Soukup, R. Stainforth, C. Stone, V. Strickland, M. Stringer, B. Sur, J. Tang, E. Vázquez-Jáuregui, L. Veloce, S. Viel, B. Vyas, M. Walczak, J. Walding, M. Ward, S. Westerdale, J. Willis, A. Zuñiga-Reyes, DEAP Collaboration

    Source: European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Vol 83, Iss 7, Pp 1-10 (2023)

    File Description: electronic resource

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  2. 2
    Academic Journal
  3. 3

    Source: 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Network Systems (CINS) Computational Intelligence and Network Systems (CINS), 2024 International Conference on. :1-8 Nov, 2024

    Relation: 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Network Systems (CINS)

  4. 4

    Authors: The DEAP Collaboration, Adhikari, P., Ajaj, R., Alpízar-Venegas, M., Amaudruz, P. -A., Anstey, J., Araujo, G. R., Auty, D. J., Baldwin, M., Batygov, M., Beltran, B., Benmansour, H., Bigentini, M. A., Bina, C. E., Bonatt, J., Bonivento, W. M., Boulay, M. G., Broerman, B., Bueno, J. F., Burghardt, P. M., Butcher, A., Cadeddu, M., Cai, B., Cárdenas-Montes, M., Cavuoti, S., Chen, M., Chen, Y., Choudhary, S., Cleveland, B. T., Corning, J. M., Crampton, R., Cranshaw, D., Daugherty, S., DelGobbo, P., Dering, K., Di Stefano, P., DiGioseffo, J., Dolganov, G., Doria, L., Duncan, F. A., Dunford, M., Ellingwood, E., Erlandson, A., Farahani, S. S., Fatemighomi, N., Fiorillo, G., Florian, S., Flower, A., Ford, R. J., Gagnon, R., Gahan, D., Gallacher, D., Garai, A., Abia, P. García, Garg, S., Giampa, P., Giménez-Alcázar, A., Goeldi, D., Golovko, V. V., Gorel, P., Graham, K., Grant, D. R., Grobov, A., Hallin, A. L., Hamstra, M., Harvey, P. J., Haskins, S., Hearns, C., Hu, J., Hucker, J., Hugues, T., Ilyasov, A., Jigmeddorj, B., Jillings, C. J., Joy, A., Kamaev, O., Kaur, G., Kemp, A., Yazdi, M. Khoshraftar, Kuźniak, M., La Zia, F., Lai, M., Langrock, S., Lehnert, B., Leonhardt, A., LePage-Bourbonnais, J., Levashko, N., Lidgard, J., Lindner, T., Lissia, M., Lock, J., Luzzi, L., Machulin, I., Majewski, P., Maru, A., Mason, J., McDonald, A. B., McElroy, T., McGinn, T., McLaughlin, J. B., Mehdiyev, R., Mielnichuk, C., Mirasola, L., Moharana, A., Monroe, J., Murray, A., Nadeau, P., Nantais, C., Ng, C., Noble, A. J., O'Dwyer, E., Oliviéro, G., Olszewski, M., Ouellet, C., Pal, S., Papi, D., Park, B., Pasuthip, P., Peeters, S. J. M., Perry, M., Pesudo, V., Picciau, E., Piro, M. -C., Pollmann, T. R., Rad, F., Rand, E. T., Rethmeier, C., Retière, F., García, I. Rodríguez, Roszkowski, L., Ruhland, J. B., Santorelli, R., Schuckman II, F. G., Seeburn, N., Seth, S., Shalamova, V., Singhrao, K., Skensved, P., Smirnova, T., Smith, N. J. T., Smith, B., Sobotkiewich, K., Sonley, T., Sosiak, J., Soukup, J., Stainforth, R., Stanic, G., Stone, C., Strickland, V., Stringer, M., Sur, B., Tang, J., Vázquez-Jáuregui, E., Veloce, L., Viel, S., Vyas, B., Walczak, M., Walding, J., Waqar, M., Ward, M., Westerdale, S., Willis, J., Wormington, R., Zuñiga-Reyes, A.

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    Authors: DEAP Collaboration, Adhikari, P., Ajaj, R., Alpízar-Venegas, M., Amaudruz, P. -A., Anstey, J., Auty, D. J., Batygov, M., Beltran, B., Bina, C. E., Bonivento, W. M., Boulay, M. G., Bueno, J. F., Cadeddu, M., Cai, B., Cárdenas-Montes, M., Chen, Y., Choudhary, S., Cleveland, B. T., Crampton, R., Daugherty, S., DelGobbo, P., Di Stefano, P., Dolganov, G., Doria, L., Duncan, F. A., Dunford, M., Ellingwood, E., Erlandson, A., Farahani, S. S., Fatemighomi, N., Fiorillo, G., Ford, R. J., Gahan, D., Gallacher, D., Garai, A., Abia, P. García, Garg, S., Giampa, P., Giménez-Alcázar, A., Goeldi, D., Golovko, V. V., Gorel, P., Graham, K., Grobov, A., Hallin, A. L., Hamstra, M., Haskins, S., Hu, J., Hucker, J., Hugues, T., Ilyasov, A., Jigmeddorj, B., Jillings, C. J., Joy, A., Kaur, G., Kemp, A., Yazdi, M. Khoshraftar, Kuźniak, M., La Zia, F., Lai, M., Langrock, S., Lehnert, B., LePage-Bourbonnais, J., Levashko, N., Lissia, M., Luzzi, L., Machulin, I., Maru, A., Mason, J., McDonald, A. B., McElroy, T., McLaughlin, J. B., Mielnichuk, C., Mirasola, L., Moharana, A., Monroe, J., Murray, A., Ng, C., Oliviéro, G., Olszewski, M., Pal, S., Papi, D., Park, B., Perry, M., Pesudo, V., Pollmann, T. R., Rad, F., Rethmeier, C., Retière, F., García, I. Rodríguez, Roszkowski, L., Santorelli, R., Schuckman II, F. G., Seth, S., Shalamova, V., Skensved, P., Smirnova, T., Sobotkiewich, K., Sonley, T., Sosiak, J., Soukup, J., Stainforth, R., Stringer, M., Tang, J., Vázquez-Jáuregui, E., Viel, S., Vyas, B., Walczak, M., Walding, J., Ward, M., Westerdale, S., Wormington, R., Zuñiga-Reyes, A.

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    Source: 2024 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), 2024 25th International Conference on. :1-6 Apr, 2024

    Relation: 2024 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE)

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    Source: 2024 11th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom) Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2024 11th International Conference on. :833-837 Feb, 2024

    Relation: 2024 11th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)

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    Source: 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications (ICACTA) Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications (ICACTA), 2023 International Conference on. :1-5 Oct, 2023

    Relation: 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications (ICACTA)

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