1Academic Journal
Authors: Inna Smolaykova
Source: Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svâto-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta: Seriâ II. Istoriâ, Istoriâ Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Cerkvi, Vol 120, Iss 120, Pp 44-56 (2024)
Subject Terms: system of theological educational institutions of the early 20th century, pastoral school, psalm school, zhytomyr school of pastoralism, women's religious education at the beginning of the 20th century, volyn diocese, archbishop anthony (khrapovitsky), система духовно-учебных заведений начала хх века, пастырская школа, пастырское училище, псаломщическая школа, житомирское училище пастырства, женское духовное образование в начале хх века, волынская епархия, архиепископ антоний (храповицкий), History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics, DK1-4735, History and principles of religions, BL660-2680
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